First Aid Training

Thumb sprain

A thumb sprain involves damage to the thumb ligaments. Once these ligaments are injured, it might end up stretched or partly or fully ripped. The injury is usually brought about by abrupt activities where the ligament is violently twisted or torn. This can occur when falling onto the thumb or if a ball strikes the

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Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever is a severe complication that arises after an infection with the streptococcus bacteria. The streptococcus can cause infections such as scarlet fever, strep throat and cellulitis. If these infections are not correctly managed, it can lead to rheumatic fever that can impair the heart, skin, joints and brain. The condition often affects

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Spine osteoarthritis

Spine osteoarthritis develops once there is degeneration in the discs amidst the vertebrae. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help in the management of the symptoms. What are the causes? The degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae of the spine are usually caused by the following: Repeated trauma to the spine from sports injuries,

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Cellulitis is a type of bacterial infection affecting the dermis and other tissues beneath the skin. Individuals who have skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema are at higher risk for developing cellulitis. Once it spreads deep into the body, it is considered dangerous. Prompt treatment using antibiotics is generally effective. Most cases can be

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Appendicitis develops if the appendix becomes tender, swollen and filled with pus. The condition might develop due to a stomach infection that moves to the organ or if a stool ends up trapped in the appendix, allowing an infection to develop. The condition can occur at any age, usually among older children to adults in

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Anal itching

Anal itching generally occurs around and close to the anus. It often occurs among men and there is no known cause in most cases. What are the usual causes? If a cause is determined, the itchiness is usually due to skin irritation around the anus. Some of the usual irritants include: Chemicals, perfumes or dye

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