
Why do I experience chest congestion after eating?

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Most cases of chest congestion that occur after eating is due to inflammation that causes swelling in the airways or the lungs. If an individual experiences chest congestion after eating, it is best to consult a doctor.

It is not advisable to self-diagnose or self-treat based on the symptom alone. The usual causes of chest congestion after eating include chronic tonsillitis, pollen-food allergy syndrome and food allergy. Remember that the congestion that occurs after eating due to food allergy might be an indication of a severe reaction that requires proper assessment by a doctor.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized as an infection affecting the throat that persists for an extended period of time. The tonsils in the rear part of the throat can become inflamed and overwhelmed with virus or bacteria.

Chest congestion
Remember that the congestion that occurs after eating due to food allergy might be an indication of a severe reaction that requires proper assessment by a doctor.

The infection can affect the entire throat which results to irritation, swelling and sensitivity. While eating, the food brushes against the infected throat which triggers intense irritation that can lead to further chest congestion. If an individual is suspected with tonsillitis, a doctor should be consulted right away. Remember that complications can occur such as blocked airways, rheumatic fever and even kidney failure.

Food allergy

A food allergy is considered common among children but can also affect adults. The most common triggers capable of initiating an allergic reaction include milk, fish, soy, nuts, eggs, peanuts and wheat.

A food allergy is basically a malfunction of the immune system. Once the individual consumed a food he/she is allergic to, the immune system wrongly identifies the proteins as a threat and starts to defend the body. Antibodies are produced to fight off the proteins which eventually trigger the mast cells to produce elevated levels of histamine.

Histamine is the chemical in the body that protects it against infection. Excess amount of histamine can cause inflammation in the soft tissues. The typical symptom of a food allergy is chest congestion, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing.

Pollen-food allergy syndrome

When it comes to pollen-food allergy syndrome, it is a condition that is linked to allergic rhinitis or hay fever. The condition is considered as a chronic condition that can affect an individual all year-round or only during the spring season.

Hay fever can cause severe sinus inflammation, scratchy throat and eye irritation. If an individual has been diagnosed with the condition, consumption of certain vegetables and fruits can instigate the same reaction in the body as if pollen is inhaled. As a result, the lungs become swollen and chest congestion occurs.

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