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Why sudden ringing in the ears occurs?

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The abrupt ringing in the ears or tinnitus is an indication of an issue in the ear or brain. A small percentage of individuals suffer from some type of ringing in the ears. Even though there is still no cure for all causes of ringing in the ears, there are various treatment options that can help manage the condition.

What are the symptoms?

The abrupt onset of ringing in the ears can also sound like ringing or other sounds such as whistling, hissing, roaring and buzzing. The individual can hear a high-pitched noise or low roaring sound.

If the ringing in the ears is due to an uncommon blood vessel condition, the doctor can also hear the noise. Always bear in mind that the noise can come and go or may become chronic. The ringing in the ears can also affect one or both ears.


The ringing in the ears occurs for various reasons including damage to the miniature hairs in the exterior ear and hearing loss. The loud noises and infection in the ear can also cause abrupt ringing in the ears.

Meniere’s disease can also cause ringing due to an abnormality of fluid pressure in the inner ear. Medications such as high doses of aspirin can also cause ringing in the ears. Many medications can trigger the condition.


Ringing in the ears
The ringing in the ears occurs for various reasons including damage to the miniature hairs in the exterior ear and hearing loss.

The hearing tests are utilized to determine the degree or extent of hearing loss. This is done so that the doctor can determine if the hearing loss is responsible for causing tinnitus. A complete examination and medical history can help the doctor pinpoint the exact cause of the condition.


Some individuals experience ringing in the ears that can be intense that forces them to seek treatment. When it comes to chronic cases of ringing in the ears, the treatment might involve hearing aids, cochlear implants and counseling to help improve the sound and make it tolerable.

The hearing devices can also improve the hearing capability of the individual, thus minimizing the ringing in the ears while counseling. When it comes to temporary tinnitus, it can resolve after managing the cause such as an inner ear infection or a brain tumor.

What are the possible complications?

The main complication linked with ringing in the ears is its effect on the quality of life of the individual. Aside from tinnitus, an individual can suffer from symptoms of fatigue, stress, depression, memory issues, insomnia and anxiety.

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