
Indications of summer cold

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Common cold is usually linked with the winter season. On the other hand, the condition can also occur during the summer season as well. There are various viruses that can cause common cold.

The virus typically starts in the sinus area of the nose and later on spreads. The overwhelming symptoms can leave an individual stuck at home for a week or more. Always bear in mind that the summer season can allow the cold virus to develop due to the increased presence of allergens and other viruses in the air.

Nasal congestion

The most common symptom of a summer cold is congestion. The swollen and inflamed nasal passages make it hard for the air to freely flow via the nostrils which is commonly referred to as a stuffed nose.

Summer cold
Coughing is a main indicator of common cold which is often a persistent reflex that attempts to clear the airway from mucus that has touched the rear part of the throat.

The cold virus enters the nose and hastily works to produce the symptoms. This usually takes about 12 hours before the initial symptoms are observed. Many individuals simply assume that the nose becomes clogged by mucus which makes it harder to breathe. Nevertheless, it is actually the inflammation of the interior lining of the nose that leads to nasal congestion.

Watery eyes

A summer cold can also trigger watery eyes. While the individual has the condition, the sinus region of the nose becomes inflamed and there is increased production of tears than normal.

The eyes can end up irritated by the excessive coughing or sneezing which release an overwhelming amount of tears. It is important to note that children are more likely to experience watery eyes due to a tear duct that is not yet open. Common cold can aggravate this symptom and lead to excessive watery eyes until the virus exits the body. In addition, a summer cold can persist for up to 7 days without treatment but it typically subsides within that period.

Hack-like coughing

Coughing is a main indicator of common cold which is often a persistent reflex that attempts to clear the airway from mucus that has touched the rear part of the throat. Oftentimes, the hack-like cough can lead to other respiratory tract infections such as whooping cough.

Aside from the other symptoms of summer cold, the hack-like cough or dry cough is lasts longer and can become severe while the individual is sleeping. If there is severe hacking cough, it can cause the rib or chest area to become sore. Remember that the dry cough does not usually occur due to mucus but triggered by the irritated small-sized receptors in the throat.

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