What is keratosis pilaris?

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Keratosis pilaris is a prevalent yet relatively harmless condition in which the skin turns rough and bumpy. Even today, there is no available cure for the condition, but the rash can be relieved using soap-free cleansers, moisturizers and gentle exfoliation. Take note that there is no need to consult a doctor unless the condition is an issue of concern.

The condition generally settles as one gets older and oftentimes vanishes upon reaching adulthood.

Why does it occur?

Keratosis pilaris generally forms in the back part of the upper arms and oftentimes in the buttocks and front region of the thighs. In uncommon cases, the upper back and forearms might be affected as well.

Keratosis pilaris generally forms in the back part of the upper arms and oftentimes in the buttocks and front region of the thighs.

How does keratosis pilaris affects the skin?

The skin patches that are affected are covered with miniature spiky bumps that might be red, white or skin-colored. Theses spots are similar as “chicken skin” or permanent goose pimples and the skin has a rough, sandpaper-like texture.

In some cases, the skin becomes itchy and there is inflammation and pinkish tinge around the bumps. This skin condition does not spread from one individual to another. Additionally, the skin tends to improve during the summer and worsens during dry conditions or winter season.

Management of keratosis pilaris

The skin condition often settles on its own without requiring treatment. Nevertheless, if it becomes bothersome, certain measures can help improve the rash such as:

  • Only use non-soap cleansers instead of soap – remember that regular soap can dry out the skin and worsen the condition
  • Ensure that the skin is properly moisturized – those that contain salicylic acid and lactic acid are considered most effective
  • Gently exfoliate the skin using a foam pad or pumice stone on the rough areas – avoid scrubbing too hard that can rub off the skin layers
  • Encourage the individual to take a lukewarm shower instead of hot baths

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