Upper body rashes

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Upper body rashes can be caused by various health conditions. If an individual develops a rash, it should be properly assessed by a doctor especially those that do not subside after a few days. In case the rash is accompanied by a fever, difficulty breathing or if they turn into fluid-filled blisters, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms?

When it comes to upper body rashes, it usually involves changes in the skin texture or color. Oftentimes, a rash including itchiness, inflammation and even scaling or draining blisters. Any form of rash on the upper body mainly affects the back, chest, neck, arms, face or scalp.

Possible causes

Upper body rashes
Eczema can also cause a red-colored, itchy rash on the upper body such as the elbows and behind the knees but also affect the armpits, behind the ears and parts of the neck.
  • The usual cause of upper body rash is dermatitis or inflammation of the skin. When it comes to contact dermatitis, the skin came in contact with substances that cause irritation such as chemicals, cosmetics, dyes and plants.
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis often starts as small-sized, water-filled blisters that can occur on the upper body. It is characterized by intense burning, stinging and itching and typically triggered by an allergy to gluten.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis can manifest on the upper body as scaly, red, itchy rash. The exact cause is unknown but factors such as seasonal changes, stress and neurologic conditions and yeast infection can contribute to the condition.
  • Viruses such as measles, shingles and chickenpox can manifest as rash on the upper body but also affect the lower body as well.
  • Eczema can also cause a red-colored, itchy rash on the upper body such as the elbows and behind the knees but also affect the armpits, behind the ears and parts of the neck.


The treatment of upper body rash depends on the cause. The ideal treatment for contact dermatitis is to gently wash the affected area, pat dry and apply either calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream. It is best to avoid scrubbing or scratching the skin. As for severe cases such as a systemic reaction to poison oak, oral medications might be given.

The treatment for seborrheic dermatitis involves eliminating the cause and the application of over-the-counter anti-fungal and anti-itch creams. The elimination of gluten from the diet can also help eliminate dermatitis herpetiformis.

As for eczema, it can be managed with the application of moisturizers and soothing oatmeal bath products. When it comes to shingles, antiviral medications can be given as long as taken within 72 hours of the initial outbreak.


Avoidance of allergens that trigger dermatitis, eczema and dermatitis herpetiformis can help prevent upper body rash. Vaccinations can help prevent shingles, chickenpox and measles. Yoga and other forms of relaxation can help prevent the stress-related rash.

When to seek care

In some cases, the presence of upper body rashes can indicate a medical emergency. Anaphylactic shock is due to an allergic reaction that includes itching, wheezing and hives. If not managed immediately, anaphylaxis can lead to coma or death. If anaphylaxis is suspected, bring the individual to the nearest emergency department or call for emergency assistance right away.

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