Toddler care: Fever remedies

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It is important to note that fever is considered as a common symptom that affects both children and adults. This is generally a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. In case the fever causes crying or irritability; the fever can be managed with home remedies to help the child feel more comfortable. On the other hand, if the fever persists for a few days, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Always bear in mind that the temperature of the child can fluctuate after high levels of activity, after a hot meal or beverage or being out in the sun. In case the temperature of the child is higher than 100.4 degrees, it simply indicates that he/she has fever. A doctor should be consulted if the child is confused or delirious, has difficulty breathing, has a stiff neck or inconsolable. Children below 2 years old can be given acetaminophen only if prescribed by the doctor.

Sponge bath to bring the fever down

A toddler with fever should be dressed in lightweight clothing to avoid overheating that can worsen the fever.

It is recommended to provide the child with a lukewarm sponge bath if he/she is suffering from fever. All you have to do is fill a tub with tepid water and allow the child to rest in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

You have to sponge water over the body to provide a cooling effect. Make sure that the water is warm enough to avoid shivering. In case the child starts to shiver, remove the child from the water and dry him/her off properly. Remember that shivering increases the temperature of the child to increase which reverses the objective of the bath.

Dress lightly

A toddler with fever should be dressed in lightweight clothing to avoid overheating that can worsen the fever. Always keep the room temperature cool and cover him/her with a light blanket or sheet while resting or sleeping.

Increased fluids

Encourage the child to drink plenty of fluids since fever can lead to dehydration. If the toddler is currently being breastfed, continue to offer the child breastmilk. You can utilize an oral hydration solution for toddlers in order to replenish the lost body fluids and electrolytes.

Oral hydration solutions include correct amounts of salt, water and nutrients required for replacing essential body fluids. You can provide the child with small, frequent sips of cool but not hot beverages.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol was once used as a remedy for a toddler with fever. Alternatively, the use of alcohol to reduce the fever has been discouraged at the present. Once alcohol is rubbed on the skin, it produces a soothing effect. On the other hand, rubbing alcohol causes shivering and might trigger a poisonous reaction once soaked up through the skin. When the alcohol fumes are inhaled, it can lead to alcohol poisoning.

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