Rashes due to prenatal vitamins

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The rashes that are triggered by intake of prenatal vitamins are most likely the result of an allergic reaction and require proper assessment by a doctor. It is important to note that hives that develop after taking prenatal vitamins might indicate a severe allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention. Remember that a severe allergic reaction can be life-threatening. Other rashes that might develop from an allergy to prenatal vitamins include generalized itchiness and eczema.


The prenatal vitamins are vital part of prenatal care. The manifestation of any adverse reactions after using prenatal vitamins should be discussed with a doctor so that the suitable preventive and treatment options are recommended.

Prenatal drug allergy

Prenatal drugs are multivitamins specifically formulated in order to provide the appropriate nutrition to women who might become pregnant, are pregnant or currently breast feeding. If an individual is allergic to one or more of the ingredients or components in multivitamins, the immune system reacts by defending the body.

Eczema along with hives and generalized itching might be a result of increased levels of histamine in the body. These skin rashes can manifest on any part of the body, resulting to redness, swelling and itchiness.

The immune system wrongly identifies the ingredient in the vitamin as a threat and develops immunoglobulin E or IgE antibodies that are responsible for fighting the allergen. Take note that skin rashes are quite common with vitamin allergy.

Allergic skin reactions

The allergic skin reactions from prenatal vitamins occur due to the increased levels of histamine in the skin. Once the body produces IgE antibodies, the mast cells release larger amounts of histamine to protect the body. The histamine is a naturally produced chemical in the body that is responsible for preventing infections. If present in substantial amounts, it can lead to inflammation.

Eczema along with hives and generalized itching might be a result of increased levels of histamine in the body. These skin rashes can manifest on any part of the body, resulting to redness, swelling and itchiness.


The doctor might decide to perform a series of tests to determine the ingredient responsible for causing the allergic reaction rash. The individual might be allergic to a specific vitamin or might be allergic to an ingredient such as gluten, whey or soy.

The allergy tests involve the use of small amounts of the suspected allergens to determine if the body produces IgE antibodies during introduction. The skin tests will expose the skin to a specific substance in the prenatal vitamin to monitor if the skin becomes inflamed and irritated.

Connection with fish allergy

A variety of prenatal vitamin programs used by some women include fish oil supplements. If an individual is allergic to fish, the woman might experience an allergic reaction while using fish oil supplements. Fish allergy typically causes skin reactions such as facial swelling and tingling in the tongue, lips or mouth. With this in mind, it is best to consult a doctor regarding this issue and if other alternatives can be given.

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