Potential causes of persistent runny nose

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Runny nose can be a troublesome symptom that typically develops due to a viral infection that usually subsides within a span of a few weeks. If the runny nose becomes persistent and does not dissipate even if medications are given, it can indicate a chronic condition in the sinuses or nose. Even though it can be bothersome, the chronic conditions that cause runny nose are not usually serious. If you will register for first aid training today in your area, you can learn more about these conditions and how to properly manage them.

Non-allergic rhinitis

Non-allergic rhinitis is considered as a chronic nasal condition described by constant sneezing as well as a clogged, runny nose that has no recognized cause. The symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis are somewhat similar to allergic rhinitis but do not occur due to an allergic response of the body.

The primary symptoms include constant runny nose, postnasal drip and stuffed nose. The symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis typically come and go at varying intervals. Once the symptoms are present, they can persist for days at a time. The treatment for non-allergic rhinitis will depend on the severity of the symptoms experienced by the individual. Those who are suffering from the moderate symptoms can greatly benefit from nasal sprays and decongestants. For severe cases, it would require surgery.

Runny nose
Non-allergic rhinitis is considered as a chronic nasal condition described by constant sneezing as well as a clogged, runny nose that has no recognized cause.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinus that occurs as a result of an infection with bacteria, fungi or viruses and can last for up to three months. The mucus will also accumulate in the sinuses and causes significant blockage that can cause a lot of discomfort to the individual. Once the sinuses are swollen, it can lead to several symptoms including persistent runny nose, cough as well as loss of smell, fever, bad breath, headache, fatigue, nasal congestion and sore throat. The treatment for sinusitis typically involves antibiotics or antifungal medications that must be administered for 3-4 weeks. In case the medications are not effective, surgery might be required in order to clean out and drain the sinuses.

Nasal polyps

The nasal polyps are the growths of tissue that develop on the interior tissue of the nose or sinuses. The growth of nasal polyps usually starts at the top of the nose and moves down into the rest of the nasal cavity. In case the polyps are large, they can clog up the nasal passages and cause constant runny nose, diminished sense of smell, heavy mouth breathing and nasal blockage. The treatment involves the administration of nasal sprays and corticosteroids to help relieve the symptoms but they will not cure the polyps. In case the symptoms are persistent or very bothersome to the individual, surgery might be required to eliminate the polyps.

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