What is chronic rhinitis?

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Rhinitis is the inflammation of the membranes in the nose and characterized by at least one of the symptoms – stuffed or runny nose, sneezing or itching. Individuals who have chronic rhinitis might have the similar symptoms but the various forms of rhinitis have distinct differences and often require a specific mode of treatment. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can learn the appropriate measures in order to help manage the symptoms of chronic rhinitis.


It is important to note that rhinitis is considered as a chronic case if it persists for more than 4 consecutive weeks along with symptoms that manifest at least 4 days a week during the entire period.

Types of rhinitis

Various forms of chronic rhinitis can occur in many individuals all over the world. The types of rhinitis include the following:

  • Perennial allergic rhinitis – this is an allergy to a particular substance that is present all year such as mold or pet dander.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis is not infectious, immunologic or linked with an elevated white blood cell count. This is considered the most common form of rhinitis affecting many individuals all over the world.
  • Occupational rhinitis – caused by presence of allergen, chemical or irritant in the workplace of the individual.
Chronic rhinitis
It is important to note that rhinitis is considered as a chronic case if it persists for more than 4 consecutive weeks along with symptoms that manifest at least 4 days a week during the entire period.

Many individuals are not aware that their chronic rhinitis might be triggered by certain medications such as blood pressure medication or oral contraceptives. This is why a doctor must be consulted as well.

Diagnosing chronic rhinitis

A proper diagnosis of chronic rhinitis would require determining the pattern as well as the occurrence of the symptoms. The precipitating factors must be determined including the medications that were taken as well as the symptoms that manifest. In most cases, an allergy test must be carried out to determine if the rhinitis is associated with an allergy.

Management of chronic rhinitis

The management of chronic rhinitis is usually individualized and based on the severity and duration of the symptoms. The initial medication used aims to control the major symptoms. Take note that the preference of the individual also plays a role in the selection of medications. Additionally, part of the managing chronic rhinitis is to find and manage the linked complications such as sleep-disordered breathing or asthma.


An effective way to manage chronic rhinitis typically involves avoidance. This includes eliminating exposure to the usual triggers such as pet dander and even insect droppings. Eliminating sources of moisture can greatly help as well. Mold must be eliminated with the help of bleach while dust mites can be controlled by covering bedding as well as using a HEPA vacuum cleaner. If the presence of mold is a serious issue, it would require professional services to completely eliminate them. Additionally, controlling the humidity level inside the houses is also a must.

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