What are the causes of morning headache?

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In some individuals, they can wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. On the other hand, others wake up to a debilitating morning headache. It is important to note that morning headaches affect many individuals particularly women. Those between the ages of 45-64 years old face a higher risk for experiencing morning headaches. The exact cause of morning headaches includes anxiety, depression, sleep bruxism or sleep apnea. Additionally, excess consumption of alcohol can also lead to morning headaches.

Depression or anxiety

Based on studies conducted, it was discovered that the most significant factor linked with morning headaches are depression and anxiety. Those who suffer from anxiety face a higher risk for morning headaches than those who do not have anxiety.

Individuals who suffer from major depressive disorders also face a higher risk for experiencing morning headaches. The risk is highest for those who have both depressive disorders and anxiety. It is interesting to note that the use of antianxiety medications can aggravate the risk for morning headaches.

Morning headache
Individuals who suffer from major depressive disorders also face a higher risk for experiencing morning headaches.

Sleep bruxism

Some adults are known to grind their teeth at night. This is a condition called as sleep bruxism which is considered as one of the causes of morning headaches. Sleep bruxism can also be accompanied by other issues such as sleep apnea and snoring. The individual should avoid alcohol, large meals in the evening, maintaining a regular sleep schedule and reducing weight if he/she is overweight or obese. In case the individual has snoring issues, a dental device might be required during sleeping time. It is also noted that dentists often work together with sleep specialists in order to manage sleeping disorders effectively.

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which the individual stops breathing briefly and resume breathing several times every night. This is considered as a usual cause of morning headaches. In most cases, morning headaches occur among individuals who suffer from sleep apnea. The treatment for sleep apnea typically improves the headache. If you want to learn more about this sleep condition, click here.

The first line of treatment for sleep apnea includes weight loss among those who are overweight, treating nasal allergies, continuous airway pressure (CPAP) and oral appliances. When CPAP is used, it delivers continuous flow of air to the individual via a mask or specialized nasal pillows in order to create pressure that will keep the airways open. This is used in treating obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Take note that those who have sleep apnea suffer from morning headaches that are usually brief, lasting for about 30 minutes. As for the frequency and severity, it is directly connected with the severity of the sleep apnea.

Intake of alcohol

It is believed that individuals who consume more than six alcoholic drinks in a day face a higher risk for experiencing morning headaches. This is why it is important to reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages to prevent headache from occurring.

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