Eye First Aid

Management of indoor allergies

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There are measures that can be used to manage indoor allergies. An effective approach is removal of the allergen from the environment. Various medications can be utilized to manage hay fever, asthma and eye symptoms.

Self-care measures for indoor allergies

Non-prescription antihistamine medications such as diphenhydramine that is taken orally can reduce itchiness and watery eyes. Remember that these medications can lead to drowsiness while driving or operating machinery safely. These medications can disrupt with concentration or with learning at school. In addition, they should only be used for only a few days.

Indoor allergies
Non-prescription antihistamine medications such as diphenhydramine that is taken orally can reduce itchiness and watery eyes.

Medical care

In case the symptoms do not improve, the doctor might prescribe one or several medications. These medications will not cure the allergy but help alleviate the symptoms.

Allergy medications

  • Antihistamines include the older variants (first-generation) and the newer (second-generation) variants. The first-generation antihistamines are available without prescription such as diphenhydramine and usually cause drowsiness. The second-generation antihistamines are the non-sedating variants that are available over-the-counter and cause minimal side effects without the sleepiness.
  • Decongestants work by decongesting the nose if stuffed.
  • Anti-allergy eye drops alleviate severe tearing, itching, redness or swelling of the eyes.
  • Corticosteroid nasal sprays typically work by alleviating the congestion and swelling of the nasal lining. These sprays take a few days to take effect and ideally used daily to be effective.
  • Corticosteroids that are taken orally or by injection work by reducing the inflammation and symptoms such as swelling.
  • Mast cell inhibitors such as cromolyn sodium nasal sprays and eye drops can be given to prevent the release of histamine and deal with runny nose or watery eyes.
  • Leukotriene inhibitors such as montelukast are often used to prevent allergy symptoms which are useful for those with asthma that are easily triggered by allergies.

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