Carrot allergy

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Carrot allergy is considered rare but affects a small percentage of individuals in some European countries. Even though some individuals are actually allergic to carrots, others are simply allergic to the birch tree pollen that is usually present in carrots. Take note that this pollen can trigger the oral itch syndrome that is accountable for the irritation of the mouth. The oral itch syndrome is highly annoying. On the other hand, it is important to take note of the symptoms of an actual allergic reaction to carrot in order to seek emergency care right away.

Symptoms of carrot allergy

If the following symptoms occur, it simply indicates that an individual has carrot allergy and it is important to seek medical care.


Once the individual eats carrots or even touches the vegetable to the mouth, he/she will start to experience itchiness that affects the lips and the interior of the mouth. The itchiness can also affect the pharynx. Even though this symptom can be annoying, this is not a sign of a severe allergic reaction.


Swelling is considered as a common sign of the onset of carrot allergy. Right after carrot came in contact with the mouth or was ingested, the individual will notice the swelling of the mouth. The swelling can also include the lips, tongue, palate and even the throat. Nevertheless, if the swelling affects the throat, this is considered dangerous since it can block the airway, thus the individual could not properly breath.


After exposure to carrots, conjunctivitis or pink eye can occur. This manifests as an irritation of the eye and the interior of the eyelids. Always remember that this can cause a lot of discomfort and would require medical attention.

Sinus problems

Sinus problems as well as nasal symptoms can also occur right after contact with carrots particularly during the processing or cooking process. In most cases, the individual who is allergic to carrots must stay away from the area and most of these symptoms can subside after an oral antihistamine is taken.


Carrot allergy
Once the individual is taken to the hospital, a shot of epinephrine will be given to counteract the symptoms.

If the individual eats carrots most of the time, it might be the cause for gingivitis. Take note that this is considered rare but an inflammation of the gums can develop right after exposure to carrots. This can be an issue if the individual has no other symptoms of carrot allergy.

When anaphylactic shock occurs

An anaphylactic shock is considered as the worst symptom of a carrot allergy. This can occur only in severe cases in which the individual is highly allergic to carrots. Anaphylaxis involves a drastic drop in the blood pressure which can cause the individual to lose consciousness, go into a state of coma or even die. This would require immediate medical attention in such cases. Once the individual is taken to the hospital, a shot of epinephrine will be given to counteract the symptoms.

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