What are the symptoms of shellfish allergy?

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Shellfish allergy is considered as one of the most common food allergies. A food allergy is caused by the response of the immune system to a food protein that is considered as a threat. As a response, the immune system produces antibodies to neutralize the allergen. Take note that shellfish allergy can involve a single type of shellfish such as shrimp while others develop allergic reactions to clams, lobster and mussels. Even though many allergic reactions to shellfish can be prevented, being familiar with the use of shellfish in certain dishes is vital in order to prevent reactions to hidden components in different food preparations.

Hives, eczema or generalized itchiness

Hives, eczema and generalized itchiness are common symptoms of shellfish allergy. Hives or also called as urticarial are the red, puffy patches present on the skin. These patches appear abruptly and can last for a few hours up to a few weeks. An individual with urticarial will also develop urticarial vasculitis in which the small blood vessels in the skin become inflamed. Take note that these areas can stay red for long periods and can also cause throbbing joints or fever. In some cases, it can become chronic and lead to serious lasting health issues.


Swelling is also a common symptom of food allergy. The swelling can involve the hands or feet, face, lips, throat and the tongue. If the swelling of the mouth or throat occurs, it is important to seek medical attention since it can cut off the airways, thus the individual will have difficulty breathing.

Dizziness, tingling and fainting

Shellfish allergy
The commonly used medication among individuals who are prone to severe allergic reactions is EpiPen that is injected on the thigh.

An allergic reaction to seafood can include dizziness, lightheadedness and tingling sensation in the mouth or fingers as well as fainting. If you observe any of these, the individual is experiencing an allergic reaction.

Abdominal symptoms

The abdominal symptoms linked with shellfish allergy can include cramping, diarrhea, vomiting and generalized abdominal pain. In case the symptoms worsen or become continuous, you have to seek immediate emergency care.

Difficulty breathing or asthma

Some of the reactions to shellfish include breathing difficulty or swallowing as well as asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing, spasms and gasping.

What happens during anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can result to death. This typically results to an inflamed airway that makes it difficult to breathe along with the symptoms of shock and a drastic drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, dizziness and loss of consciousness. The reactions can lead to breathing problems and would always require the use of an epinephrine injection in order to counteract the symptoms of shock. The commonly used medication among individuals who are prone to severe allergic reactions is EpiPen that is injected on the thigh. This auto-injector is always carried by the individual wherever he/she goes and ready to use in case of an allergic reaction.

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