What are the signs and symptoms of tobacco allergy?

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Tobacco allergy is clearly an undesirable reaction of the body to the substance. Most of the symptoms triggered by an allergy to tobacco usually come from smoke once tobacco is being burned. Individuals who have other allergies and health conditions might be more sensitive to the tobacco smoke. Based on studies, tobacco smoke is considered as a chief source of indoor air contaminant.

Eye issues

Tobacco allergy
Extended exposure to the tobacco smoke can lead to sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion.

It is a known fact that smoke produced by tobacco is an eye irritant. Upon exposure to the smoke, it causes a burning sensation in the eyes. As a result, the eyes will appear red in color or blood shot. If the individual has dry eyes, the symptoms are even worse. You can provide over-the-counter eye drops to relieve the redness of the eyes as a first aid measure.

Respiratory issues

Coughing is the reflex of the body that helps keep the airways clear of any irritating substances. If tobacco is being burned, it is packed with substances that can irritate the throat and lungs, thus coughing function as a natural response to the exposure to tobacco smoke.

Extended exposure to the tobacco smoke can lead to sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. The throat and nose can also become inflamed if the individual has tobacco allergy. Over-the-counter medications such as throat lozenges and nasal decongestants can help minimize the symptoms.

Children who have tobacco allergy might develop asthma which is a chronic condition triggered by the inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes. Once exposed to tobacco smoke, it causes wheezing or breathing difficulty especially if asthma is present. Tobacco allergy will also make an individual prone to developing recurrent respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. The treatment involves inhaled steroids or antibiotics that will control the asthma-related symptoms.


The smoke from tobacco cigars, cigarettes and pipes can cause headaches. Nicotine is one of the components of tobacco which stimulates the blood vessels in the brain to constrict, thus resulting to a headache. The tobacco smoke can also stimulate the nerves in the back of the throat which also contributes to the headache. Tobacco allergy and increased sensitivity to the odor of burning tobacco can trigger migraine headaches in some individuals. It is best to avoid scenarios or places where tobacco smoke is present in order to avoid headaches.

Ear issues

Children who have tobacco allergy can experience ear-related symptoms if they are exposed to the allergen. This can occur since the structure in the middle ear and throat known as the Eustachian tube is still small. It keeps the pressure from building up by allowing air to move in and out of the middle ear. Due to the small size of the Eustachian tube among children, they are not able to keep the allergens out. In most cases, the tube becomes blocked up and allows the allergens and germs into the middle ear. Take note that the allergens and germs can accumulate in the middle ear, thus causing an infection. The ear infection can cause a lot of pain. The symptoms of an ear infection include ear pain, ear pressure, fever and irritability.

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