What are the symptoms of soy allergy?

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Throughout the years, many individuals enjoyed eating and using products that were derived from soy beans. Whether it is soy milk or tofu, the health benefits that can be enjoyed are many. Despite this, there are many individuals who suffer from allergies to soy-based products especially soy milk which tends to cause the symptoms of allergy primarily among infants. With this in mind, individuals who are prone to food allergies should be familiar with the symptoms of soy allergy. All you have to do is to register in a first aid course so that you are prepared to handle allergies.

Soy-based infant formula for babies

It is important to check the ingredients of infant formula and baby foods carefully. There are babies who have ongoing gastrointestinal issues and colic in connection with certain skin conditions such as eczema or rashes. This can indicate a reaction to the soy protein. Take note that this is often added to infant formulas and foods.

Avoiding soy-based products

Soy allergy
The other symptoms of iodine allergy include conjunctivitis, canker sores, fever, nausea, fatigue and generalized itchiness.

Individuals who have soy allergy must not include soy milk in their diet especially if he/she experiences episodes of acne, diarrhea, angioedema and persistent runny or congested nose. Even though one or two of these symptoms can indicate other transient conditions, the occurrence of several symptoms is a clear indication of soy allergy.

It is also important to reduce the intake of soy products if the symptoms persist or new ones start to manifest. The other symptoms include conjunctivitis, canker sores, fever, nausea, fatigue and generalized itchiness.

It is also best to avoid eating products that has flour made out of soy. Even though some want to avoid eating tofu which is another soy product, this is a fermented food that is not likely to trigger the symptoms of an allergic reaction than other soy-based products.

When to consult a doctor

It is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that allergy testing can be performed. There are specific skin and blood tests that can be performed in order to confirm a diagnosis of a soy allergy as well as determine if the individual has other connected allergies. Since soy is part of the legume family, the allergy can often occur alongside allergies to other types of beans and nuts.

The individual can expect to outgrow or there is a reduction in the symptoms from the soy allergy. Take note that allergies are histamine-based reactions to a particular antibody a food possesses in which the symptoms can increase with each exposure. With other foods, the antibodies can be diminished by eliminating the food from the diet. Children are more likely to outgrow the allergy if they will stick with a diet without soy for a few years.

Important considerations to bear in mind

It is vital to be familiar with your family history. Always remember that soy allergy can be hereditary. If an individual has family members who are allergic to soy, there is likelihood to experience the symptoms at some point in their lives than those who do not have a family history.

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