Are there dangers when old ice cream is eaten?

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The food-borne illness is a major issue when old ice cream is eaten. Remember that the date stamped on the container of ice cream is not the only information needed in order to decide if ice cream is safe to eat. Other factors to consider is how long the ice cream was purchased, how safely it was stored and when it was opened.

What are the potential risks?

Contamination by bacteria is a main issue when old ice cream is eaten. Foods that were spoiled by bacteria appear normal and tastes fine but can cause sickness. The bacteria can thrive in foods rich in protein such as poultry, eggs as well as fish, meat and milk products.

Old ice cream
The symptoms of food-borne illnesses which are strikingly similar to stomach flu include nausea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and dehydration.

Remember that freezing ice cream and other frozen dairy products will only slow down the growth of bacteria but will not kill them, which starts to grow again as the food starts to thaw. The risk of food-borne illnesses heightens after the ice cream has been opened and served. It is important to throw out any ice cream that melted out entirely due to the increased risk for bacterial growth.

Risk for food-borne illness

Individuals who face a higher risk to food-borne illnesses include those who are already sick or have a weakened immune system. Pregnant women, young children and the elderly are also at risk. The symptoms of food-borne illnesses which are strikingly similar to stomach flu include nausea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and dehydration. These symptoms can last for a few hours or up to several days. The illness can be minor or serious depending on the bacteria involved. If you want to learn more about food-borne illnesses and how to manage one, click here.

Considerations when buying ice cream

When buying frozen products, you have to consider the date that is stamped on the carton which is the sell-by date. Always make sure that the ice cream and other frozen goods are cold solid and the container is not gluey or ice-covered which indicates that it was partly thawed at some time. The ice cream must be wrapped with an insulated bag or simply double-bagged to minimize the melting while on the way home. If possible, you can bring along an insulated cooler to keep the ice cream as cold as possible during the travel.

Proper storage of ice cream

It is important to note that ice cream that has not yet been opened can be stored safely at zero degrees Fahrenheit for up to two months. In case you plan to store the ice cream for more than a month, it must be wrapped with plastic wrap or freezer paper to maintain the quality.

Once the container has been opened, it can be stored safely for 2-3 weeks before it is considered old. If you want to enjoy the creamy texture and good quality, it must be eaten within 7-10 days. You have to wrap the container with plastic wrap to protect the texture and reduce the formation of ice crystals.

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