Can caffeine trigger an allergic reaction?

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Caffeine is typically present in soda, coffee and energy drinks in order to stimulate the mind and promote awareness especially those who work long hours. Even though caffeine can affect the body in different ways, especially when taken in large amounts, some are actually allergic to the substance. The difference between the usual side effect of caffeine and an allergic response is the involvement of the immune system of the individual. If an individual has an actual allergy to caffeine, the immune system overly reacts to the substance as a threat to the body. A doctor must be consulted to determine the exact cause of the symptoms. If you want to be prepared to handle an allergic reaction to caffeine, it is best to enroll in a course on first aid today.

Asthma reactions

An allergic reaction to caffeine can cause the inflammation of the soft tissues all over the body. During an allergic response, the body generates histamine that causes the inflammation of the lungs. Once the airways swell, the individual will become short of breathe, starts to wheeze along with cough and chest tightness. The asthma-like reactions to caffeine can range from mild to severe. If the individual cannot breathe, call for emergency assistant right away.

Allergic reaction-caffeine
The swelling in the intestinal lining will cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating and gas.

Digestive reactions

The digestive system reacts within a few minutes after ingesting caffeine. The swelling in the intestinal lining will cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating and gas. Most of the digestive symptoms do not last long since they diminish once the allergen is eliminated from the body. If the individual continues to vomit for more than a day or diarrhea that persists for more than three days, a doctor must be consulted. The presence of blood in the vomit or stool is considered as alarming symptoms that requires further evaluation.

Sinus reactions

Once the histamine is released into the sinus cavity, the individual will develop nasal congestion, postnasal drip and runny nose. The nasal congestion will lead to the build-up of pressure in the head which will eventually lead to sinus headaches and facial soreness.

Take note that sinus congestion is due to inflammation in the sinus cavities. An effective form of treatment for the sinus reactions is to provide the individual with an antihistamine and decongestant to alleviate the sinus pain and pressure. If in doubt with the medications to provide, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that the appropriate medications can be prescribed.

What happens during a severe reaction?

Just like with any chemical allergic response, there is a risk for developing a severe reaction called as anaphylaxis. This is considered as a rare reaction in which the entire body experiences a reaction which causes the body to progress into a state of shock. The usual symptoms include throat swelling, facial swelling, abrupt drop in the blood pressure, rapid heart rate, chest pain, metallic taste in the mouth and hives.

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