Can dates cause stomach pain?

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Dates are considered as a high-fiber fruit that is commonly sold as chopped or whole. It is important to note that dates are used as a common natural treatment for constipation. If an individual experiences stomach pain after eating dates, he/she must consult a doctor in order to determine the exact cause. The common reasons why stomach pain occurs after eating dates include sulfite sensitivity, fiber content, intolerance or food allergy. The individual should list down any symptoms that occur after eating dates and schedule an appointment with a doctor for proper assessment and diagnosis.

Sulfite sensitivity

The sulfites are the chemical compounds that are usually added to dried fruit to help preserve the texture and color of the fruit. Sulfites also prevent the growth of detrimental bacteria and extending the shelf life. An individual who has sulfite sensitivity will experience adverse reactions after eating dates such as diarrhea, stomach pain, asthma, gas, bloating, nausea and skin rashes. At the present, sulfites are no longer used in fresh fruits and vegetables but they are still used on dried fruits.

Fiber intake

Stomach pain-dates
When it comes to food allergies, they are more severe than intolerance since the immune system and the whole body is involved. It is important to note that both conditions will cause stomach pain but intolerance will only affect the digestive system.

Fiber is a vital part of the diet that can help minimize the development of heart disease and type-2 diabetes. It is important to note that fiber is the carbohydrate present in plant-based foods that are not digested in the body. The undigested carbohydrates help soften the stool and keep the bowels regular. Even though fiber is required in the diet, consumption of large amounts of dates can overwhelm the bacteria present in the large intestines which lead to bloating, gas and stomach pain. Too much fiber taken in quickly can lead to digestive issues. Just remember that including fiber in the diet is vital, but must not be done abruptly or excessively at once.

Intolerance and food allergy

Dates are not regarded as a usual source of intolerance or food allergy. When it comes to food allergies, they are more severe than intolerance since the immune system and the whole body is involved. It is important to note that both conditions will cause stomach pain but intolerance will only affect the digestive system. The doctor will recommend allergy testing in order to rule out an allergy if dates are responsible for causing the stomach pain. When diagnosed with either intolerance or food allergy, the individual is advised to eliminate dates from the diet. By enrolling in a class on first aid today, you will learn how to handle intolerance and food allergy.

Considerations to bear in mind

When an individual experiences constant stomach pain after eating dates that seems to increase and causes vomiting and diarrhea, it clearly indicates food poisoning. Remember that food poisoning occurs when an individual eats dates that contain harmful bacteria. If the individual has blood-streaked stool or vomit, a doctor must be consulted.

1 thought on “Can dates cause stomach pain?”

  1. This article has definitely given me the answer I’ve been looking for. I had a couple of dates and what followed was stomach pain, nause and fever. I’ll seek medical attention immediately!

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