Why skin rashes develop after exposure to tomatoes?

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Skin rashes triggered by direct exposure to tomatoes is the result of allergic contact dermatitis. It is important to note that allergic contact dermatitis is a skin condition in which the skin becomes swollen after direct contact with the allergen, such as tomatoes. Take note that tomatoes as well as other highly acidic foods can trigger the condition.  If you notice the development of skin rashes every time the individual eats or touches tomatoes, a doctor must be consulted since the individual might be allergic.


What is allergic contact dermatitis?

Allergic contact dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin that leads to swelling, severe itchiness and redness. Once the individual came in contact with tomatoes, he/she can develop skin rashes in a matter of minutes or up to 48 hours. The rashes can either be mild or severe and can take up to several exposures to tomatoes before the rash can be identified. This is due to the fact that the body is steadily building up antibodies to fight off the tomato allergen.

Skin rashes-tomato allergy
Once the individual came in contact with tomatoes, he/she can develop skin rashes in a matter of minutes or up to 48 hours.


In case the individual develops allergic contact dermatitis after consumption of tomatoes, the initial first aid measures is to wash the area that came in direct contact with the food. After washing the area and eliminating any leftover residue, you have to apply topical hydrocortisone cream. In some cases, the doctor can prescribe a corticosteroid cream if the reaction is severe.

Diagnosing the condition

An effective way to confirm an allergy to tomatoes is a patch test. The doctor will apply a patch on the skin that contains small traces of the allergen. Once the patch has been left for some time, the doctor will remove the patch and check if skin rashes developed. This simply indicates that the individual is allergic to tomatoes.

Preventive measures

By identifying and avoiding the source of allergic contact dermatitis, it is the initial step in managing the condition. Once the individual has been diagnosed with the skin condition that is connected to tomatoes, the individual must avoid any exposure. When buying food, he/she must carefully check the ingredients. When eating outside, the individual must ask the server regarding the ingredients used in a particular dish to be ordered. If handling tomatoes cannot be avoided, the individual must use gloves.

Important consideration to bear in mind

If the individual develops skin rashes after eating tomatoes, he/she might be allergic to the food. Hives are the common rash linked with a food-related allergy and can indicate an upcoming anaphylactic shock. In case the individual experiences other symptoms such as asthma, nasal congestion or digestive issues, the individual must be assessed by the doctor to determine the severity of the allergic response. In rare cases, a severe allergic reaction to tomatoes can cause death if not treated right away.

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