Folliculitis decalvans

What is a low-pressure headache?

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A low-pressure headache occurs once cerebrospinal fluid has been extracted in a spinal tap or drains out due to a cyst or rip in the tissue layers that covers the spinal cord. The loss of this fluid, that flows around and cushions the brain is responsible for reducing the pressure around the brain.

This type of headache occurs in some individuals who had a spinal tap usually in hours up to 1-2 days after. During the spinal tap procedure, the doctor inserts a needle in between 2 vertebrae in the lower back and a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid is extracted from the spinal canal. This type of headache can also occur if other issues causes the cerebrospinal fluid to seeo out such as:

  • A cyst that bursts in or close to the meninges especially when sneezing or coughing
  • Meninges are torn during an injury especially if the head or face is injured

A low-pressure headache can be intense and can occur once an individual sits or stands and might be alleviated by lying flat. An individual usually experiences a painful or stiff neck and might even vomit.

Low-pressure headache
A low-pressure headache can be intense and can occur once an individual sits or stands and might be alleviated by lying flat.

How is it diagnosed

The doctor will base a diagnosis on the symptoms present and the situation. If an individual has undergone a spinal tap procedure, a diagnosis is obvious and testing is rarely required.

In case the individual has not had a spinal tap before, imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be carried out.


If an individual experienced a headache after a spinal tap procedure, pain medications are given. Remember that lying flat as much as possible can help minimize the pain. Fluids and caffeine are given to increase the production of cerebrospinal fluid. The fluids are administered orally but if severely dehydrated, fluids are given intravenously.

If the headache persists after treatment, the doctor might inject a small amount of the individual’s blood into the space between the spine and the meninges in the lower back. Take note that this procedure or epidural blood patch can slow down the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, regardless of the site of leakage.

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