What are the indications of a pulled neck muscle?

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A pulled neck muscle is another name for a neck strain. A pulled neck muscle is either a complete or partial ripping of the muscles and connected tissues that support the neck. It is vital that you are familiar with the indications of this injury in order to differentiate it from other conditions. Additionally, early treatment can also be started to prevent the condition from worsening.

Is it a pulled neck muscle or a different condition?

An actual pulled neck muscle or neck strain can be distinguished from other possible causes of uncomplicated neck pain by simply assessing how the pain started. Always bear in mind that pulling a muscle would require a certain degree of force. It simply means that a jolt, fall or muscular exertion can cause the injury.

If the individual sits in front of a computer for long periods or asleep in an uncomfortable position, it can lead to symptoms parallel to a pulled neck muscle but these activities do not involve the required force necessary to tear muscles or tissues in the neck. The timing of the start of the symptoms is a useful clue. Abrupt pain linked with force or exertion is a defining characteristic of a pulled neck muscle. You can learn the appropriate treatment measures for these conditions by enrolling in a class on first aid today.

Pulled neck muscle
Abrupt pain linked with force or exertion is a defining characteristic of a pulled neck muscle.

What worsens the condition?

Once the muscle fibers and associated structures are torn, the contents of the fibers will spill into the surrounding tissues. The small blood vessels are often torn which causes the blood to leak into the surroundings which results to localized inflammation and pain. The pain is usually sore but can be piercing during movement.

If the individual attempts to contract the damaged muscle strongly, it can also cause pain. The increased level of pain while pushing the head against resistance is expected. Additionally, the affected muscle is also tender when it is rubbed or pressed.

What relieves the symptoms?

When it comes to a pulled neck muscle, it feels better once allowed to rest. This is different if compared to other types of neck stiffness that feels better with movement or minor stretching. The ideal first aid treatment for a pulled neck muscle includes rest and the application of ice. Always bear in mind that these measures help reduce the inflammation and usually provide relief to a pulled muscle injury. It is important to bear in mind that these measures aim to reduce the bleeding and swelling as well as reduce scar formation close to the tear.

A different condition

There are certain symptoms along with neck pain that can indicate a serious health issue than a pulled neck muscle. Fevers, unexplained weight loss, chills, numbness, weakness into the arms or legs, recent infection or pain that worsen at night or during rest usually indicate an issue other than a pulled neck muscle and requires a consultation with a doctor. Medical assessment might be required in case of traumatic injury to the neck in order to determine if there is any loss of stability in the spine. Evident trauma to the neck can injure the ligaments or bones that protect the spinal cord.

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