Treatment options for loose stools

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Loose, watery stools or diarrhea often lasts for several days and require frequent trips to the bathroom. The causes of diarrhea include bacteria, viruses, surgery, medications as well as digestive conditions. Many individuals suffer from diarrhea 1-2 times in a year and the condition rarely becomes serious. Additional symptoms linked with loose stools include fever, abdominal pain, bloating and stomach cramps. It is best to seek medical care if the diarrhea lasts for more than 3 days, if the stools turn black or bloody or there is severe pain.

Home remedies for loose stools

In most cases, diarrhea is allowed to resolve on its own since it only lasts for a few days. The individual should avoid eating foods high in fat, dairy products and spicy foods for several days.

As the bowel movements steadily return to normal form, adding low-fiber and semisolid foods to the diet is recommended. An individual should gradually consume toast, crackers, rice and chicken until a regular diet becomes tolerable. Additional low-fiber foods include ripe bananas, yogurt, smooth peanut butter and applesauce.

Loose stools
Additional symptoms linked with loose stools include fever, abdominal pain, bloating and stomach cramps

If the rectal area is sore from the watery, loose stools, a sitz bath or soaking in a bath can help. Sitting in a few inches of warm water helps relieve the discomfort and itchiness linked with diarrhea. Pat the area dry and avoid rubbing to avoid irritation. In addition, the application of petroleum jelly or hemorrhoid cream to the area can help reduce discomfort.


When an individual is suffering from loose stools, the body can become severely dehydrated. The individual should bring a water bottle and sip throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Those who are suffering from diarrhea should drink 2-3 quarts of water in a day. Aside from water, broths, pulp-free juices and caffeine-free soda can be given. In addition, tea, sports drinks and fat-free chicken broth are also recommended choices.

If the individual suffers from loose stools for extended periods, there is a high risk for dehydration. Due to this, it is vital to restore the lost fluids and electrolytes.


There are over-the-counter medications to manage diarrhea available in tablet or liquid form. The commonly used medications include bismuth subsalicylate as well as loperamide. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons of bismuth subsalicylate for every bowel movement.

As for loperamide, it is recommended if bismuth subsalicylate has no effect on the diarrhea after 12 hours. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed if a bacterial or parasitic infection occurs. For viral infections, antibiotics will have no effect since the condition is allowed to run its course.

There are some medications that can cause diarrhea as a side effect. The individual should check all medications taken over-the-counter and by prescription. The doctor might reduce the dosage or change medication to stop the diarrhea.

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