Remedies for inner ear itchiness

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The inner ear itchiness can be triggered by infection, dirt, water and even earwax. The itchiness can be easily managed at home, but once it is accompanied by pain and the symptoms are persistent, it would require proper assessment by a doctor in order to rule out any serious conditions.

Some infectious agents such as yeast and bacteria are known to trigger inner ear itchiness that would require medications if they do not heal on their own.

Oil drops

Inner ear itchiness
The itchiness can be easily managed at home, but once it is accompanied by pain and the symptoms are persistent, it would require proper assessment by a doctor in order to rule out any serious conditions.

The presence of any foreign particle or object can scrape the inner ear. If there is a small-sized object inside the ear, you can apply a small number of drops of warm oil. These home-based drops can be prepared using mineral oil, vegetable oil or olive oil.

All you have to do is warm the oil. The container must be placed into a warm glass of water for 15-20 minutes. Take note that the drops must be tested first on the inner wrist before applied into the ear to ensure that the oil is not hot enough to cause any burns.

Alcohol and water

Water that is mixed together or without rubbing alcohol can be applied into the ear with a bulb syringe. The combination of alcohol and water can expel any debris and eliminate bugs that might be present in the ear.

After administering the water and alcohol solution into the ear, the syringe can also be used to withdraw the water out or instruct the individual to rest on his/her side to allow the drainage of the fluid.

Staying dry

An individual with inner ear itchiness must ensure that the affected ear is dry to minimize irritation. When swimming, a suitable cap must be used while swimming and during showers. Ear plugs can be used after they are coated with a small amount of petroleum jelly.

Right after a bath or shower, several seconds of heat from a hair dryer can effectively minimize the amount of moisture. All you have to do is set the hair dryer in a low temperature setting and point it at the ear canal for about 30-60 seconds.

Softening the earwax

The earwax that accumulates can trigger inner ear itchiness and even pain. Due to this, it is vital not to insert any object into the ear canal in an attempt to draw out the wax.

You can utilize a warm water bottle or warm wash cloth that can be placed over the affected ear while the individual is lying sideways. The heat can soften the hardened wax and help it move out of the ear. If the wax is visible, use a cotton-tipped swab with an outward motion to take it out. In case the wax is not visible or positioned slightly within the canal, do not use a cotton swab. Take note that inserting a cotton swab into the ear canal will push the wax and bacteria further into the ear.

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