How to treat oil burns

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It is a known fact that burns can affect the skin layers depending on their severity and depth. A first degree burn is considered as a minor issue while a second degree burn that has blisters or affects the face or large areas must be treated by a health care professional as soon as possible to prevent lasting damage. The treatment for a minor oil burn can be performed at home.

Management of oil burns

These are the first aid measures that you have to perform when dealing with burns caused by exposure to oil.


Initially, you have to rinse the affected area carefully under cool running water in order to help cool the skin. In case the skin is still intact and there is no substance or chemical that caused the burn remaining on the skin, you have to gently wash the area with soapy water. Take note that removing the substance through rinsing can provide instant relief.  Do not scrub the area since it can be painful and can increase the risk for tearing the skin or make it prone to bacterial infection. If the skin is broken, it is important to seek medical care.

Protecting the skin

Oil burn
You have to rinse the affected area carefully under cool running water in order to help cool the skin.

You can protect the affected skin from further damage and infection. In most cases of first degree burns, the skin will turn red in color and painful to the touch. You can treat the burn by applying an antibiotic ointment, aloe vera based ointment or cream or any topical treatment. Avoid applying butter or any type of oil as well as exposing the affected area to ice or icy water in order to prevent further damage to the skin. Do not cover the wound unless it is in the foot or areas in the body that comes in contact with dirt or contaminants. If the affected area must be covered, it must be done in a loose manner.

With these measures that you can perform at home, it can help prevent further damage to the skin. An individual can get exposed to hot oil when cooking in the kitchen, thus it is important to be careful at all times.

Managing second degree burns caused by oil

A second degree burn tends to blister in a just a few hours. Make it a point not to pop open the blisters. You have to soak the affected area if possible in cool water for about 15 minutes. If the affected area is small, you can use a cool washcloth for several minutes a few times in a day.

In case the burn developed blisters, you have to cover it with loose gauze or a non-stick dressing. Make sure that you will check it regularly to monitor if there are signs of infection present. If the wound is oozing or the blisters are likely to burst in which the deep skin layers will be exposed, it is best to seek medical care right away.

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