Cricopharyngeal spasm

Management for dry hacking cough

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If an individual experiences a dry hacking cough, it can cause irritation of the throat and lungs which causes the tickling and burning sensations. This type of cough can disrupt the daily routine throughout the day and even sleep at night time. Luckily, there are several practical measures for relief that can be performed with the help of a doctor as well as at home.

Cough suppressants

The individual with a dry hacking cough must use the medication as directed based on the packaging instructions if purchased over-the-counter or based on the instructions of the doctor for the prescription-strength variants.

When selecting a cough medication, opt for one that functions as a suppressant instead of an expectorant. This is a better choice since suppressants work better in controlling a dry hacking cough.

Dry hacking cough
The individual with a dry hacking cough must use the medication as directed based on the packaging instructions if purchased over-the-counter or based on the instructions of the doctor for the prescription-strength variants.

Cough drops

You can also utilize cough drops on a regular basis throughout the day. Hard candy can serve as an alternative for those who have aversion to the taste of cough drops. Remember that both cough drops as well as hard candy can provide the same objective in alleviating a dry hacking cough which keeps the salivary glands productive. This is vital in lubricating the throat, thus preventing further irritation due to the dry cough.

Other measures to manage a dry hacking cough

  • The head must be elevated at night time using an extra cushion or pillow that is positioned behind the neck and head. Keeping the head in an elevated position at night time or during morning naps is vital in relieving a dry hacking cough as well as allowing the individual to sleep.
  • Prepare a “hot toddy” which helps ease the discomfort of a dry hacking cough especially before bedtime. All you have to do is combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1-2 tablespoon of honey in a glass of 8-12 oz. hot water. The individual can add the tea of his/her choice if needed.
  • Encourage the individual to drink clear healthy fluids such as fruit juice, water or hot tea. These can keep the body properly hydrated. In addition, utilize a vaporizer or humidifier to keep the air moist in the room where the individual sleeps.

In cases where a dry hacking cough has blood, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Depending on the cough suppressant medication used by the individual, he/she should not exceed the recommend dosage.

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