Nighttime cough among toddlers

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Nighttime coughing among toddlers is a frustrating issue among parents. The cough disrupts with sleep, thus making it difficult for the child to get enough rest. Cough medications are not usually recommended for toddlers. This is why parents are faced with a challenge on how to keep a toddler comfortable at night time. There are a few treatments that can help moisten the airways and ease the nighttime cough.


For toddlers over 2 years old, honey has been an effective cough suppressant. All you have to do is mix 2 teaspoons of honey with lemon water at bedtime. This can be repeated as needed in order to ease the nighttime cough of the toddler. Do not provide honey to a child under 1 year old. This is due to the increased risk for botulism which is a serious form of food poisoning.

The cough disrupts with sleep, thus making it difficult for the child to get enough rest.

Using a cool mist vaporizer

It is important to note that dry air can worsen the nighttime cough. By using a cool mist vaporizer, it adds moisture to the air breathed in by the toddler. All you have to do is to position the vaporizer away from clothing and bedding in order to prevent the growth of mold in the fabrics.

Just make sure that you will follow the manufacturer instructions on operating the cool mist vaporizer. Cleaning the water on a daily basis is vital in order to keep bacteria and mold out of the air. In case the toddler still has issues at night time, another option is a steamy room. All you have to do is turn the shower to hot and leave it running for several minutes. After some time, allow the toddler to sit in the room for a few minutes. This works by opening up and relieving the nighttime cough. Make sure that you will accompany the child while he/she is at the bathroom.


Avoid giving the child any cough drops or hard candy for the nighttime cough. Take note that these medications are not suitable for children below 3 years old due to the choking hazards. In case the child has a fever of 100 degrees F or higher, a doctor should be consulted regarding the use of fever reducers. Do not provide fever reducer for a low-grade fever unless recommended by the doctor.

When to seek medical care

The toddler requires medical care if he/she experiences wheezing together with nighttime cough. In case the toddler has fever higher than 100 degrees F with the nighttime cough, a doctor should be consulted as well.

A child who has difficulty breathing or coughs up blood or pink-colored phlegm requires emergency care. If in doubt, a doctor should be consulted. With proper assessment, the doctor will determine if the child requires medical care for his/her nighttime cough.

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