Initial indications of rheumatoid arthritis

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Millions of individuals in different parts of the world struggle with rheumatoid arthritis. It is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the inflammation of the joint lining such as the shoulders or knees. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unclear but it is believed to be linked to issues with the immune system.

Even though there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, several measures are readily available to help manage the symptoms. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to severely deformed joints which lead to loss of function, disability and pain. It is vital to recognize the early warning signs of rheumatoid arthritis in order to prevent the severity from progressing. If you want to learn more about the management of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, read here.

Flu-like symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis
These flu-like symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite.

If an individual has rheumatoid arthritis, he/she can frequently suffer from flu-like symptoms. These flu-like symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite. Even though these symptoms can indicate a bacterial or viral infection, extended or recurrent symptoms are more likely due to a systemic inflammation. If the individual suffers from frequent flu-like symptoms, it is vital to consult a doctor.

Skin and eye symptoms

If the individual has rheumatoid arthritis, he/she can experience symptoms linked with the eyes or skin. Since rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, the symptoms can manifest all over the body. Some individuals will notice that their skin has a pale appearance. The appearance of rheumatoid nodules can also occur around the elbow joint. The rheumatoid nodules are painless, small masses beneath the skin and can indicate the severity of the condition.

Those who have rheumatoid arthritis can also end up with symptoms linked with the eyes which include burning or itching or frequent discharge. In some cases, the individual can suffer from dry eyes or dry mouth which is called Sjogren syndrome which causes reduced tear or saliva production. It is best to consult a doctor if these symptoms persist.

Joint symptoms

An individual with rheumatoid arthritis is likely to suffer from frequent pain, stiffness or tenderness in the joints. These symptoms are quite evident in the morning when the individual wakes up or after extended periods of sitting.

The joints will also appear swollen or the skin covering the joints are reddened or inflamed. In some individuals, they can suffer from muscle pain or difficulty in lifting items typically used on a daily basis. If the individual experiences joint stiffness or pain, consulting a doctor is a wise step to take.

If any of the early indications of rheumatoid arthritis are present, the individual must consult a doctor for proper assessment. This will also ensure that appropriate treatment measures are carried out in order to manage the symptoms.

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