How to deal with swollen ankles after a hike

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Hiking has long been considered as a healthy activity that can burn calories. On the other hand, just like with any form of exercise, it is not free from any risks. An individual can injure his/her ankle in various ways, causing swollen ankles.

It is important to note that hiking can worsen an underlying ankle issue. The individual should take the proper precautions in order to avoid sustaining ankle injuries. Just be prepared to act if swollen ankles are suspected with the appropriate measures by enrolling in a first aid course today.

Excess fluid

When assessing a swollen ankle, the puffy flesh is actually caused by excess fluids that have accumulated in between the cells. The cause might be staying on the feet for extended periods especially those who are overweight or the ankle can swell due to an injury. The common hiking injuries include ankle fractures and sprains that are due to the twisting of the ankle or falling while on uneven terrain.

Swollen ankles
When assessing a swollen ankle, the puffy flesh is actually caused by excess fluids that have accumulated in between the cells.

Treatment for a swollen ankle

The management for a swollen ankle depends on the type of injury sustained. If the individual feels any ankle pain, you have to stop and check the area right away for any bruising or swelling. Make sure that you will check the pulse of the foot by placing the tips of the middle and index finger on top of the foot, about 1-2 inches down from the ankle. In case the pulse feels weak, there might be a circulation issue which requires medical care. If the pulse is good, you have to take off much weight off the ankle as the individual continues to lean on another person or using a stick for support.

It is sad to note that it can be difficult to distinguish the difference between a mild fracture and a bad sprain. As a precaution measure, you have to assume that a severely swollen ankle is broken. If there are doubts, the individual should seek medical care right away.

How to prevent ankle injuries

When preventing ankle injuries while hiking, the individual should wear properly fitting boots designed for hiking that provides good foot and ankle support. Make sure that the individual will warm up before the hike by walking on even ground for 5-10 minutes and then perform dynamic stretching.

Always keep an eye on the ground while hiking especially when the terrain is rough to avoid falling or slipping.

Non-hiking issues

In case the individual ends up with a swollen ankle while hiking, it is possible that the individual has an existing condition that was only worsened while hiking. He/she might have an infection or a blood clot in the area. Immediate medical care is required if the swollen ankle feels warm or it is red and the individual has fever. In case of hiking injuries, it is best to be cautious and consult a doctor if the cause of the swelling in uncertain.

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