Causes of right shoulder pain

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There are various causes of right shoulder pain. If there is swelling, tearing or inflammation of the tissue surrounding the shoulder joint, it can lead to shoulder pain as well as reduce the active range of motion of the individual. It is important to note that the shoulder pain can be triggered by traumatic injury, constant overuse or a medical condition. Most cases of shoulder conditions can cause pain that manifests in one or both shoulders.


Whiplash is an injury that can trigger right shoulder pain. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury affecting the neck that occurs once it is quickly flexed or extended. This is also called as a neck sprain or strain and is characterized by symptoms that occur right after the injury was sustained. The usual indications linked with whiplash include neck pain right after the injury or within a few days such as cervical spine ligament sprain, neck stiffness, dizziness, headaches, tingling sensation, shoulder pain and back pain. In some cases, an individual who suffered from whiplash can suffer from blurry vision, memory loss, nervousness, concentration difficulties, irritability, fatigue, sleep problems and depression. By enrolling in a first aid class, you can learn how to manage an individual suspected with a whiplash injury.

Shoulder pain
Whiplash is an injury that can trigger right shoulder pain. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury affecting the neck that occurs once it is quickly flexed or extended.

Dislocation of the shoulder

A dislocated shoulder can initiate right shoulder pain. It is important to note that shoulder dislocations are common traumatic injuries among athletes. In most cases, it involves the forward slip of the humeral head or upper arm bone once the arm is rotated externally and lifted to the side of the body. This is known as an anterior shoulder dislocation.

The common indications linked with this type of shoulder dislocation involves intense pain in the injured shoulder, inability to lift arm away from the body, loss of normal shape of the shoulder, tingling or numbness and discoloration in the forearm, arm or hand.

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is another condition that can cause right shoulder pain. This is a group of syndromes triggered by compression of the nerves and blood vessels that run through the neck and shoulder.

The blood vessels and nerves that run together in the neurovascular sheath can become compressed by the bony, muscular or ligamentous structures between the armpit and neck, resulting to shoulder pain or discomfort as well as unusual sensations in the arms on the affected side. The usual indications linked with thoracic outlet syndrome include muscle loss, weakness, swelling in the arm, tingling, numbness, bluish discoloration on the affected side.

Overuse and muscle strain

The pain can manifest if the individual overuses the right shoulder when exercising or engaging in a particular sports. The shoulder pain is common during sports such as softball, baseball, swimming, volleyball and tennis. The shoulder pain originates from the muscular imbalance in the shoulder, upper back and rotator cuff. If the individual is right-handed, there is likelihood to overuse these muscles up to the point in which pain is felt.

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