What are the techniques when cleaning pressure ulcers?

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Prolonged periods of lying or sitting in one position can often cause diminished flow of blood that triggers the development of pressure ulcers or bedsores. The indications of pressure ulcers include irritated skin with red or bluish appearance and open sores or large wounds that indicate damage to the muscles and internal body parts. Always remember that proper cleaning and care for pressure ulcers is vital to the recovery process. It is important to consult a doctor first so that the proper way to clean the ulcers can be instructed.

Basic cleaning method

The techniques in cleaning pressure ulcers focuses on the removal of the dead tissue which strikingly resembles scabs and these disrupt the ability of the wound to heal. The first step is to use water and mild soap for the newly developed pressure ulcers that are still intact. For the advanced ulcers that are open, you can use saline or saltwater since it reduces excess fluid and loose skin. You have to rinse the wound every time the bandages are changed. Do not use cleaning antiseptics such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine since both can damage the sensitive skin as well as disrupt the healing process. If you want to learn how to perform proper wound care, click here.

Pressure ulcers
The indications of pressure ulcers include irritated skin with red or bluish appearance and open sores or large wounds that indicate damage to the muscles and internal body parts.

Hydrocolloid solution

In some cases, the doctor might advise cleaning severe ulcers with a hydrocolloid dressing that is comprised of a gel or foam that dissolves. The dressing stays on the skin up to 3 days will mold on the wound and hasten the healing as well as the development of the new skin.

Gauze cleaning and hydrotherapy

In some cases, pressure ulcers can improve by using damp gauze bandages that become dry after application. The dead tissue will adhere to the gauze and then removed once the bandages are changed on a daily basis. The individual can also take a daily whirlpool bath since this is helpful in cleaning the pressure ulcer as well as reduce the dead or tainted tissue.


It is important to note that pressure ulcers that are infected need treatment involving antibiotic ointments that may include sulfadiazine cream. In case the internal tissues or bones are involved, the doctor might recommend oral antibiotics. Take note that an unpleasant smell, swelling and yellow pus can accompany ulcers that are infected. The infection can spread

to other parts of the body if the individual experiences chills, fever and a rapid heart rate.

The individual should consult a doctor if a pain reliever can be recommended that will help reduce the discomfort during the cleaning and removal of dead tissue. The pain reliever can be taken at least 30 minutes before the cleaning process for best results. The signs that a pressure ulcer is healing properly include a reduction in the size of the wound and lessened fluid production.  The healthy tissue grows at the base of the ulcer during the healing process and often pinkish and shiny in appearance. Always remember that most cases of pressure ulcers start to heal after at least two weeks of cleaning.

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