Mild Breathing Distress

Polyester allergy

Polyester allergy is a form of allergic reaction to fabric which is also called as textile dermatitis. It manifests once the skin changes after exposure to certain clothing or fabrics. The fabric or textile fibers might trigger skin irritation or contact allergy to any of the chemical additives utilized in the processing of the […]

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Whooping cough

Whooping cough is a form of lung infection with a distinct whoop-like sound during breathing after several coughing episodes. Generally, adults typically recover from the condition, but it is a dangerous condition among infants. What is the cause? Whooping cough is brought about by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. One can become infected if exposed to

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Walking pneumonia among adults

Walking pneumonia is a type that is not serious enough to require hospitalization. An individual with “walking pneumonia” might perform daily tasks while infected. Any form of virus or bacteria can cause pneumonia. In most cases, walking pneumonia typically affects young individuals, mostly between the ages of 5-16 but can also affect the elderly.

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Swine flu

The swine flu is an ailment that generally infects pigs. It is defined as a respiratory condition that is highly contagious but rarely deadly. Essentially, humans do not acquire the condition. In the previous years, the virus has mutated into a mix of the swine, human and avian influenza and developed the ability to spread

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