Can I drink alcoholic beverages if I have a cold?

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The sneezing episodes, coughing, headache, sore throat and congestion are the symptoms of common cold. In a year, millions of individuals all over the world end up with this condition. When an individual acquires the cold, it can last up to 14 days and he/she might have fever in one of those days. If the individual manages to get out of bed and join a party, he/she must think twice before drinking any alcoholic beverages. If you want to learn ways to properly manage common cold, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today in your area.

Immune system

The consumption of alcohol can cause a short-term yet negative effect on the immune system which increases the risk for infection from viruses that causes the common cold. Drinking alcoholic beverages while having common cold will further compromise the immune system, thus making it difficult for the body to fight off the virus. This can result to an extended illness or even the possibility of progressing into a serious health issue.

Common cold
The sneezing episodes, coughing, headache, sore throat and congestion are the symptoms of common cold.

Cold medications

The uncomfortable symptoms linked with common cold often urge the individual to use over-the-counter medications to help relieve the discomfort. When these medications are used, it is important to read the labels carefully. Remember that alcohol might be present in certain cold medications but in regulated amounts. Liquid medications contain small amounts of alcohol that function as solvents for antihistamines and analgesics within the formulation of the medication.

Dangerous combination

The ingestion of alcohol while using over-the-counter cold remedies has hazardous results. The cold medications that include alcohol, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine as well as dextromethorphan cough suppressants have a sedative effect. If this is accompanied by extra amounts of alcohol, the sedation is increased. The combination of alcohol and cold medications that contain acetaminophen, naproxen or ibuprofen can cause toxic effects on the liver and can even irritate the stomach lining.

Important considerations to bear in mind

It is important that an individual suffering from cold to stay hydrated while the body fights the condition. Remember that alcohol can cause dehydration as well as caffeine. When an individual has a cold, it is ideal to drink plenty of clear fluids throughout the course of the condition. It is recommended to drink 8 oz. of clear fluids at least every 2 hours to keep the covering of the nasal passages and throat properly hydrated. This will help relieve the congestion and soothe the sore throat. If an individual has fever, drinking more than 8 oz. of clear fluid might be required to replace the fluids lost through perspiration when the body temperature is elevated.

An individual suffering from common cold must rest and drink plenty of fluids to hasten the recovery period. In case during that period the individual has to attend a party, it is best to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages.

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