Various types of scalp irritation

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Even though the scalp is protected by hair, the layer of covering can oftentimes prove to be a drawback. It is important to note that there are various issues that can develop on the scalp due to the protection of the hair, yet those who are bald can also suffer from scalp irritation. Luckily, there are measures that you can carry out to manage scalp issues regardless of the type of scalp irritation or the cause.

Due to variety of hair products in the market these days, some of these products contain substances or ingredients that might not be safe for the scalp, especially if used extensively. In some circumstances, the individual might be sensitive to these products and end with skin reactions in the scalp. If you want to readily manage these conditions, read here.


Scalp irritation
Dandruff is considered as a prevalent type of scalp irritation that develops due to the presence of fungus that infects the skin.

Dandruff is considered as a prevalent type of scalp irritation that develops due to the presence of fungus that infects the skin. Once the fungus gets into the skin, it leads to flaking which are dead strips of skin that peel off the scalp and become stuck in the hair.

Dandruff can appear in the hair or on the shoulders of the individual that can be quite embarrassing. Take note that dandruff can be managed with the application of natural oils such as olive, tea tree, coconut or almond on a daily basis. There are also various dandruff shampoos in the market that feature active ingredients that are specifically designed to eliminate the fungus that causes dandruff while also clearing away the dead skin cells in the scalp.

Presence of lice

The presence of lice in the head is also a common scalp irritation that is quite common among young children in the elementary and middle school. The infestation of lice typically occur as waves as the parasite is spread from one child to another in school

Lice burrow into the scalp which causes the sensitive irritation on the skin. The lice can be eliminated by using a specialty shampoo that specifically deals with the parasite. Additionally, the bedding and upholstered furniture as well as stuffed animals that might have been infested by the parasites must also be treated.


Acne is considered as a common skin issue that affects the face and body, but can also occur in the scalp whether the individual has hair or bald. Remember that acne is a skin condition that tends to vary in severity. In severe cases, this type of scalp irritation can lead to the development of blackheads, cysts and pustules.

Factors that can lead to the development of acne include skin hygiene, stress and bacterial infections. Acne can be remedied with topical treatments that range from cleaning the face or using over-the-counter and prescription medications to clear up oil, bacterial and dead skin cells as well as open up the pores and relieve swelling, redness and irritation.

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