Cricopharyngeal spasm

Asthma: Can proper cockroach control help?

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Individuals who have asthma might end up with an attack if exposure to the droppings of cockroaches. Aside from the droppings, even the saliva and shed body parts can instigate the symptoms of asthma.

Can I end up with cockroach allergy if I have asthma?

If an individual already has severe asthma, he/she is likely to end up with cockroach allergy. Additionally, those who have symptoms of allergic rhinitis chronically and repeated ear infections face a higher risk.

This allergy is quite common among those who live in areas with significant cockroach problems such as in overcrowded cities. It is also noted that low socioeconomic status is also a risk factor.

The symptoms of cockroach allergy are strikingly similar to allergic rhinitis and other allergies such as scratchy throat, itchy skin and watery eyes and nose. If an individual resides in an area where cockroaches are an issue all year-round, the symptoms can last throughout the year or might only manifest seasonally.


A diagnosis of cockroach allergy is done with a skin test. The doctor will inoculate one arm of the individual by pricking or scratching the skin using the cockroach extract.

The development of a reaction such as swelling or redness at the site confirms that the individual is allergic to the insect.

Additionally, those who have symptoms of allergic rhinitis chronically and repeated ear infections face a higher risk.

Usual spots where cockroaches hide

Always bear in mind that cockroaches prefer humid, dark and warm areas in the house such as the kitchen and bathroom but are also found in bedrooms and dining rooms. They do not like light and scatter once light is turned on.

Preventive measures

Sanitation is vital in preventing cockroaches from infesting the house. With the help of these simple measures, the spread can be avoided as well as reducing the risk for triggering an asthma attack.

  • Garbage cans should be emptied regularly and always keep the lid on at all times.
  • Food should not be allowed in the bedrooms and limit to specific rooms in the house.
  • The kitchen countertop and floor must be cleaned at least every week.
  • Do not allow empty food and drink cans to accumulate.
  • Always keep food covered at all times.
  • Any cracks or holds on the exterior of the house must be sealed to prevent the entry of cockroaches.
  • You can utilize traps or poison baits that are usually placed under refrigerators and stoves.
  • When using insecticide sprays, do not spray in areas where food is being prepared or where children play or sleep.

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