What is tamarind spice allergy?

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Tamarind is basically a spice that is commonly used in creating cumin. It originated in the Far East and made out of the brown bean pod from the tamarind tree. Since the spice is made from a legume, it is important for the individual to consult a doctor before using it if he/she is allergic to other legumes. Take note that legumes include peanuts, beans, peas and lentils. Of course, not all who are allergic to legumes will develop an allergic reaction to tamarind. The doctor can carry out an allergy test to determine if the individual is allergic to tamarind or not. The commonly used tests include a skin test or a blood test.

Testing for tamarind spice allergy

When an individual undergoes testing, the doctor will determine whether or not the body produces immunoglobulin E antibodies once tamarind is introduced into the body. Take note that the immunoglobulin E antibodies are only released once the body experiences an allergic response. The presence of these antibodies will trigger the manifestation of the symptoms of a typical allergic response. In case the doctor does not find the presence of immunoglobulin E antibodies, the symptoms are not triggered by an allergy but by another health condition.

Tamarind allergy
Those who are prone to severe reactions are usually prescribed with an injectable form of epinephrine or EpiPen that is administered once the symptoms manifest.

What happens during an allergic reaction?

An individual can develop an allergic reaction to any substance once ingested. The immune system will respond to the proteins present in tamarind perceiving them as a threat. As a result, IgE antibodies are produced to fight them off and histamine is released. Take note that histamine is the hormone that helps protect the body from infection, but the presence of excess amounts can lead to swelling. Most of the allergy symptoms are triggered by the high levels of histamine in the body.


The symptoms of a food-related allergy can include eczema, hives, tingling sensation in the mouth, itching, fainting, lightheadedness, facial swelling, swollen lips or tongue, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, wheezing, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Some of the symptoms can manifest within minutes of ingestion of tamarind while others can develop a reaction after an hour or two after ingestion of tamarind.

Treatment for tamarind spice allergy

Once the individual has been diagnosed with tamarind spice allergy, the individual must avoid the spice at all costs. If the individual suspects an allergy once this spice is eaten when eating outside, the server must be asked if a particular dish contains tamarind. The consumption of even a small amount of the substance can trigger a severe allergic reaction.

When it comes to a severe allergic reaction, it can be life-threatening. Those who are prone to severe reactions are usually prescribed with an injectable form of epinephrine or EpiPen that is administered once the symptoms manifest. This will help counteract the symptoms until the individual is taken to the emergency department for further assessment and care. If you want to learn how to use an EpiPen during emergencies, all you have to do is to take a course on first aid training in Ottawa today.

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