What are the symptoms of flour allergy?

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There are some individuals who develop sensitivity to one or more substances present in wheat and even experience a certain degree of health issues once ingested. The allergic reactions to proteins and other components present in wheat flour can produce mild or even life-threatening symptoms.

In some individuals, the intake of aspirin or engaging in exercise can aggravate the symptoms of flour allergy to a systemic level. When it comes to an allergy to wheat which contains gluten, it is not necessarily the same with gluten intolerance. It is important to consult a doctor so that testing can be carried out and determine the exact cause.


The itchiness can occur from allergic reactions once the skin comes in direct contact with the flour or ingestion of foods that contain flour. Even handling of white flour or whole wheat such as when kneading dough can trigger eczema-like symptoms. It is important to note that these symptoms include itchiness and redness on the hands or other areas that came in contact with flour and can be accompanied by elevated, bumpy rashes called hives.

Take note that internal itching can develop after the ingestion of flour. The individual can experience itchy lips, mouth, throat, and tongue as well as the eyes right after consumption of foods that contain wheat.

Breathing issues

Flour allergy
The symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose can be similar to a cold or flu but are actually triggered by flour allergy.

During an allergic response, the histamine enters the bloodstream and triggers an inflammatory reaction. Aside from the itchiness, the membranes of the mouth and nose can also swell, thus causing partial obstruction of the airways. Take note that histamine can also trigger the accumulation of fluids in the sinus and nasal passages.

The symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose can be similar to a cold or flu but are actually triggered by flour allergy. Once difficulty breathing or swallowing occurs right after eating wheat-based foods, it will confirm the connection.

Digestive problems

A flour allergy can lead to problems in the digestive tract an hour or more after the ingestion of foods that contain wheat. The time frame relates to how the allergens spread all over the body. The timing can be affected by the amount eaten by the individual and other foods that were also eaten.

In most cases, the sensation of nausea can initially occur and then followed by vomiting or stomach ache. Once the body starts to digest the food, the individual can suffer from diarrhea or intestinal cramps.


Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur if an individual has flour allergy. This reaction progresses quickly and oftentimes only minutes after the ingestion of foods that contain wheat. It is important to call for emergency assistance if the initial indications of anaphylaxis manifest. The symptoms include an abrupt drop in the blood pressure, weakness, confusion, rapid heart rate, wheezing and fainting. If the reaction is left to progress, the individual will go into a state of coma and even death if not treated right away. Learning how to administer an injectable epinephrine can help out a lot and this is possible by enrolling in a first aid course.

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