What are the symptoms of fish oil allergy?

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In most cases, it is the protein in the fish that triggers an allergic reaction instead of the fat from the oil. Nevertheless, during the processing phase, it is possible that the oil came in contact with the proteins of the fish, resulting to an allergic response once an individual consumes the oil. If an individual is allergic to salmon, tuna or halibut which are some of the common allergenic fish, he/she must take precautions when using fish oil.

Primary reactions

If the individual was directly exposed to the fish oil supplement and starts to become itchy right away, it is an indication that he/she is allergic to it. The individual can suffer from swelling, redness and hives on the face, hands or other parts of the body that was exposed. The skin irritation can also manifest after the supplement was taken. Once the fish oil supplement was ingested, the nose will start to run and the eyes will tear up. In some cases, the individual might end up with a severe headache shortly after the intake of fish oil.

Fish oil allergy
After the consumption of fish oil, an individual who has fish oil allergy will experience gastrointestinal symptoms. Initially, the individual will suffer from bloating, cramps and severe indigestion.

Digestive tract signs

After the consumption of fish oil, an individual who has fish oil allergy will experience gastrointestinal symptoms. Initially, the individual will suffer from bloating, cramps and severe indigestion. Depending on the severity of the allergy, nausea can occur right after the supplement was taken. In case the fish oil will make its way into the intestines, diarrhea can occur after a few hours.

Severe symptoms

An individual who has fish oil allergy can end up with breathing difficulties. After the supplement was taken, he/she might start to experience symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and difficulty catching his/her breathe. As the reaction progresses, the throat will start to swell and constrict, thus making breathing a lot more difficult. These are the indications of anaphylaxis which can lead to loss of consciousness or even death if the condition is not treated right away.

Management of fish oil allergy

It is important to note that fish oil allergy could not be cured. With this in mind, once an individual is exposed, you should be well aware of the appropriate steps to take. This is possible by enrolling in a first aid course today in your area.

For the mild symptoms, you can provide antihistamines but they are not usually recommended since they take some time to work. The doctor will provide a prescription for an epinephrine injection that works by stabilizing the response of the immune system right away, thus reducing the risk for progressing into anaphylaxis. Even for mild reactions, an epinephrine injection must be administered and follow-up with a doctor in the hospital. A thorough assessment will be carried out in order to ensure that the allergic reaction has fully subsided.

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