Allergy to pomegranate juice

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Some individuals love to spend a lazy afternoon enjoying a glass of pomegranate juice. Even though uncommon, some individuals might be highly sensitive to pomegranate juice. If an individual experiences an adverse reaction after drinking or direct exposure pomegranate juice, he/she might be allergic to it. Even though pomegranates are not considered as a common food allergen, some individuals might experience an allergic response.

All the signs and symptoms should be carefully assessed by a doctor for proper assessment. Remember that not all reactions after consuming pomegranate juice are linked to an allergy. The individual might be suffering from a different condition that is causing the symptoms. A doctor should be consulted for proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment options.

Close look on allergies

The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from potentially dangerous substances such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. If the individual is allergic to pomegranate juice, the immune system identifies the proteins in the fruit as a dangerous substance.

The body reacts with its defensive system that leads to the production of immunoglobulin E or IgE antibodies. Take note that these agents fight off the proteins in pomegranate juice, resulting to swelling, inflammation and irritation in different parts of the body. Remember that a severe allergic reaction can lead to death if it is not treated early and correctly.

Pomegranate juice allergy
f the individual consumes pomegranate juice, he/she might develop common food allergy symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, cramping, diarrhea, itching, hives, eczema, nasal congestion, tingling in the mouth, runny nose, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Contact allergy

If an individual is allergic or highly sensitive to pomegranate juice, he/she might develop a skin rash by simply touching the juice. This condition is called contact allergic dermatitis that develops within minutes of exposure. The skin turns red, itchy and bumpy in the area of exposure. When managing this condition, you have to wash the affected area with water and soap. After cleaning the area thoroughly, apply hydrocortisone cream to minimize the swelling and itchiness.

Allergy upon ingestion

If the individual consumes pomegranate juice, he/she might develop common food allergy symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, cramping, diarrhea, itching, hives, eczema, nasal congestion, tingling in the mouth, runny nose, chest tightness and shortness of breath. An allergic reaction can cause inflammation in the soft tissues and can disrupt the ability of the individual to breathe normally. Seek medical care if the individual becomes dizzy, lightheaded or unable to breathe.


The treatment starts with a clinical diagnosis. Once the doctor suspects that the individual is allergic to pomegranate juice, allergy testing is usually recommended. The common type of allergy testing involves injection of a small amount of the allergen under the skin to monitor for a reaction. Once a skin rash develops, it simply means that the individual is allergic to pomegranate.

Once diagnosed, the doctor will recommend avoidance of pomegranate juice and other foods or beverages that contain pomegranate. If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor first before using any over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines.

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