What you need to know about abdominal stab wounds

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Stab wounds that are inflicted to the abdomen can occur when a sharp or pointed object penetrates the abdominal cavity. Knives and projectile fragments are often linked with penetrating wounds. Since there are several organs in the abdominal region, the potential for injury to these can result to various complications. Injuries tend to vary depending on the size and length of the weapon as well as the force or degree of penetration.

Once an individual sustains an abdominal stab wound, it is vital to bring him/her to the nearest emergency department so that proper medical care can be given.

Intestinal injury

The small and large bowels fill up most of the abdominal cavity. In case the intestines are damaged from the penetration, the contents of the bowels will seep out into the abdominal cavity and increase the risk for severe infections.

Liver and spleen

Abdominal stab wound
Any injury to the diaphragm can lead to severe breathing difficulties.

Always bear in mind that the liver is the biggest solid organ in the body and usually damaged in some cases of penetrating stab wounds in the abdomen. The liver is frequently damaged due to its anterior location and it is not properly protected. As for the spleen, it is also one of the organs in the abdominal cavity that can end up damaged with a stab wound. This organ is positioned in the left upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity. Remember that both the spleen and liver are vascular organs that can lead to significant internal bleeding if damaged.

Respiratory complications

The diaphragm which is the main muscle utilized for respiration can be damaged from a stab wound via the abdomen. Any injury to the diaphragm can lead to severe breathing difficulties.

Other injured organs

There are also other organs in the abdominal cavity that might end up damaged such as the kidneys, bladder and the stomach. In most circumstances, surgery might be required if there are injuries to any of the major organs in the abdomen.

Major abdominal vessels

The main blood vessels such as the aorta, mesenteric veins and inferior vena cava are also positioned inside the abdominal region. If any of these vessels are damaged due to trauma, it can result to severe bleeding and even death if the bleeding was not controlled immediately with proper measures.

Diagnosis and possible outcomes

Various tests might be carried out by the doctor in order to determine the possible internal injuries that occurred from the stab wound in the abdomen. A CT scan or computer tomography might be performed. In some cases, a portable bedside ultrasound machine can be utilized for assessment.

Those who have endured stab wounds that are inflicted to the abdomen face a high risk for severe bleeding and even infection. Remember that stab wounds are considered common and have a low mortality rate.

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