What are the signs and symptoms of electrocution?

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By being familiar with the signs and symptoms of electrocution, you can seek immediate medical treatment if an individual is suffering from one. It can mean the difference between life and death. Always take note that an individual can be electrocuted in various ways such as handling a bare electrical wire or even struck by lightning in rare cases. As long as you are familiar with the signs and symptoms of an electrocution, you have the right mindset and you will know what to do in case of emergencies.

Tingling sensation

When an individual is electrocuted, he/she will usually feel paresthesia which is the tingling, prickling, numbing or oftentimes a burning sensation. Take note that paresthesia occurs momentarily depending on the extent of the electrocution. Depending on the exposure to the electric current, the nerves can also get damaged. After some time, the tingling will stop on its own.

Wounds and blisters

As for the burns, you have to clean the affected areas carefully and then apply a burn ointment. Make sure that the affected area is covered with a bandage.

An electric shock can cause burns, blisters and wounds. Once an individual sustains a blister or several blisters, fluid will form beneath the skin in the area he/she was electrocuted. The blisters can be treated by cleaning the area using soap and warm water and applying a topical antibacterial ointment. It must be covered with a bandage in a secure manner but not too tight. As for the burns, you have to clean the affected areas carefully and then apply a burn ointment. Make sure that the affected area is covered with a bandage. If you want to learn more about burns, click here.

Altered mental state

Once an individual is electrocuted, it can affect his/her normal mental function. The individual might be slow in talking or thinking. In most cases, the individual can also be dizzy, delirious or faint. If this is present, it is important to seek medical care.

Respiratory arrest

The symptoms of respiratory arrest can also occur once an individual is electrocuted. When an individual is experiencing respiratory arrest, it is quite similar to having an asthma attack. Closely monitor for difficulty breathing or cessation of breathing and call for emergency care right away.

Changes in the color of the skin

An individual who suffered an electrocution will have changes in the skin color. The skin can appear white or pale. If the individual has a darker complexion, the mucus membrane will appear blue. You have to check for changes in the skin color under the fingernails and eyelids.


If an individual is electrocuted, he/she will also experience seizures. The signs of seizure include locked muscles and trembling body. An individual experiencing a seizure can bite his/her tongue or foam at the mouth. It is important to clear the airway of the individual to ensure that he/she can breathe. Position the individual on his/her side to prevent choking in case of vomiting.

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