What are the indications of elevated uric acid in the body?

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Once the uric acid levels in the body increase beyond normal in the bloodstream, they can travel via the tissues and form the crystal deposits in the joint spaces. These crystal deposits can lead to joint swelling, inflammation, redness and diminished range of motion.


Always bear in mind that the inflammation often occurs in the joint spaces of the big toe. Other areas where inflammation can occur include the wrists, ankles, fingers and knees. The inflammation can progress at a fast rate over a period of 8-12 hours. The elevated uric acid buildup in the body is called as gout and once inflammation and pain occurs, it is called as a gouty arthritis attack.

Joint pain

Uric acid
Once the joint inflammation persists, the affected area will become sore.

Once the joint inflammation persists, the affected area will become sore. Individuals often describe the pain unbearable during a gouty arthritis attack. In case the lower extremities are involved, the individual could no longer stand or walk. A slight touch on the affected joint or even the weight of a light sheet can trigger excruciating pain. Take note that the pain can resolve within a few hours or a few weeks. The symptoms often start at night or during the early morning hours. An attack usually peaks within 24-48 hours and then starts to subside. If you want to learn more about pain management measures for this condition, click here.


Foods rich in protein such as fish, meat, beans, organ meats, alcoholic beverages and some vegetables contain purines. The body breaks down the purines into chemical substances called uric acid. The uric acid travels via the bloodstream to the kidneys where they are eliminated via urination.

Hyperuricemia occurs once the body could not eliminate the uric acid, resulting to a high level of uric acid to accumulate in the bloodstream. Individuals can have hyperuricemia for many years without symptoms. Once the symptoms occur, they rapidly progress and cause a lot of discomfort.

Flu-like symptoms

Aside from the inflammation and joint pain, there are also flu-like symptoms that can occur during a gouty arthritis attack. This usually includes low-grade fever, generalized body aches and chills. Oftentimes, an increase in the while blood cell count called leukocystosis can also occur. Understandably, this will make the diagnosis a lot more difficulty since doctors might suspect an infection.

Diagnosis the condition

The doctor will check the uric acid level through a blood test. The normal level of uric acid can range from 2.4-7 milligrams per deciliter. Hyperuricemia can be treatment with medications and modifications with the diet. The body will generate some uric acid naturally but most of the uric acid is acquired from food. It is vital for individuals who have hyperuricemia to avoid foods that are rich in purine. Even though hyperuricemia can still be present, modification of the diet can reduce the occurrence of painful gouty arthritis attacks.

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