What are the indications of egg allergy?

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Egg allergy can trigger a variety of reactions that range from mild rashes to severe breathing difficulty. An allergy to eggs often starts during infancy or early childhood. As the child grows older, the body will eventually adjust to the proteins in egg that triggers the allergies, thus allowing the individual to enjoy the food. Nevertheless, if the individual experiences even the mild signs of egg allergy, consumption of eggs or foods that contain eggs can result to a severe reaction.

A doctor should be consulted right away if the individual has any signs of a reaction to eggs. The doctor can determine if the child has an allergy via a skin test, blood test or dietary monitoring. In addition, since the influenza vaccine contains minimal traces of egg protein, a doctor should be consulted first before having a flu shot.

Irritation of the skin

An erratic immune response to the proteins present in egg yolks and whites can trigger an egg allergy. Once the individual eats foods or uses medications that contain eggs, the body produces antibodies that instigate the release of histamine which causes the symptoms.

Most of the indications of egg allergy manifest within a few minutes to several hours after consumption of any food that contains eggs. Take note that skin inflammation is the typical symptom of an egg allergy. The individual might develop an itchy, rough rash, hives or puffiness around the mouth. Children who have atopic dermatitis face a higher risk for egg allergy.

Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea or abdominal cramps after eating eggs might be indications of an allergy.

Gastrointestinal issues

Egg protein is considered as a common food additive and any foods, cosmetics or medications that contain egg products might trigger a reaction if the individual has egg allergy. Some individuals who have chicken egg allergy might also have allergies to duck, quail or turkey eggs.

Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea or abdominal cramps after eating eggs might be indications of an allergy. Most children with egg allergy are able to digest eggs without difficulty by 5 years old. It is vital to check the labels on medications, foods or cosmetics for any egg components or ingredients.

There are some products that contain proteins derived from eggs such as albumin or lecithin that are not labelled as egg-containing products. The products manufactured in a facility that processes eggs might also trigger an allergic reaction.

Respiratory issues

Once the immune system responds to egg proteins, the release of histamine can affect the respiratory system. The individual ends up with inflamed, runny nose along with watery or itchy eyes. An egg allergy can also trigger asthma symptoms such as difficulty breathing and wheezing. Individuals with an allergic reaction to eggs might also experience reactions to the proteins in soy, milk or peanuts. In severe cases, a respiratory reaction to eggs can clog up the airways and disrupt breathing.

What is anaphylaxis?

A severe egg allergy can instigate a life-threatening response called as anaphylaxis. The symptoms of anaphylaxis can affect the whole body. The mouth, throat and air passages in the lungs can swell, thus obstructing breathing.

In most cases, there is abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, itching or swelling of the skin as well as rapid pulse. The blood pressure abruptly drops which causes dizziness, fainting and shock. If the individual or child has a severe egg allergy, the doctor might prescribe epinephrine which is an injectable medication utilized in managing severe allergic reactions.

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