Variable nature of arthritis pain

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The variability of pain in arthritis is not unusual since it is part of the normal course of the disease. This has been called as pain variation, but if an individual lives with the disease, he/she has experienced it. Remember that pain variation basically refers to the intensity of arthritis pain, to episodes of more severe pain and to the uncertainty of how long an episode can last. Generally, pain is not expressed in a straightforward manner since there are times in which the pain is less intense and severely intense.

Individuals with arthritis are taught measures to deal with chronic pain. As for short-term pain, intense fluctuations are difficult to deal with due to their unexpected nature. The level of pain can fluctuate and worsen monthly, weekly or hourly.

Even if an individual is compliant with the arthritis medications and treatment, arthritis pain is usually unpredictable and can be hard for those with arthritis to understand. The disease is intrusive as well as unavoidable.

Effect of pain variation

The variable nature of arthritis pain can cause activity limitations, sleep disruption, reduced productivity and mood changes. Lasting issues can affect the quality of life.

Generally, pain is not expressed in a straightforward manner since there are times in which the pain is less intense and severely intense.

Activity limitation

An unforeseen episode of deteriorating pain can disrupt routine or planned activities. Once the pain limits activities, the individual should accept that this is part of living with the disease.

Diminished productivity level

The episodes of increased pain can make it difficult for the individual to perform his/her job and such episodes can lead to missed days at work and even losing income. It is recommended that the individual will talk to his/her supervision and explain the issue being experienced and take a few days off.

Disrupted sleep

Pain is known to disrupt sleep. Whether the issue is falling asleep or staying asleep, the fatigue can interfere with daily or planned activities. Oftentimes, sleep disruption is not even dealt with. Remember that this issue should not be ignored. A doctor should be consulted for possible solutions.

Changes to the mood

As one might expect, increasing pain, reduced productivity and disruption with sleep can lead to changes in the mood. It is overwhelming to experience unexpected variations in pain. The individual should not feel down for more than a short length of time though. Remember that it will pass and the individual will return to his/her normal self.

Measures to minimize the effect of pain variation

It is recommended that the individual will keep a pain diary. This diary will help the individual recognize the pattern of pain. The pain should be rated on a daily basis from 1-10 along with notes when a change is experienced. Take note that the individual will also notice if there is something that instigates a painful episode.

In most cases, the doctor might advise an increase in the pain medications within acceptable limits and even prescribe a medication that should only be taken during intense pain. In addition, the individual should rest and adjust his/her schedule of activities.

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