Treatment for pesticide poisoning

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Pesticide poisoning is considered as a toxic condition that occurs once pesticides are ingested, absorbed through the skin or inhaled. These chemicals are specifically used to eliminate garden and yard pest and designed to protect animals and environmental resources. In some cases, pesticides can make individuals sick if they are exposed and can also be lethal if not treated right away.

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning

An individual suffering from pesticide poisoning will exhibit the following symptoms.

  • Check for problems with the eyes such as distorted vision, constant tearing and contracted pupils.
  • A mild case of poisoning typically includes symptoms such as excessive sweating and saliva production, thirst, involuntary twitching of the muscles, moodiness and uncontrolled bowel and urination.
  • A moderately severe case includes symptoms such as chest discomfort and tightness, small-sized pupils, yellow-colored skin, weakness, confusion, weeping, difficulty breathing and inability to walk.
  • Symptoms of a severe case include increased breathing rate, inability to breathe, seizures, vomiting, uncontrolled twitching, convulsion and loss of consciousness.
Pesticide poisoning
A moderately severe case includes symptoms such as chest discomfort and tightness, small-sized pupils, yellow-colored skin, weakness, confusion, weeping, difficulty breathing and inability to walk.

Measures to take if pesticide poisoning is suspected

Always bear in mind that pesticide poisoning is a medical emergency that is serious and can be fatal. It is vital to react hastily regardless of the kind of pesticide that caused the pesticide poisoning. If the individual is still exposed to the pesticide, it increases the likelihood of permanent damage. When delivering first aid care, it is important to stay calm as possible.

Call for emergency assistance

Do not waste time on trying to decide what to do. In case you are alone with the individual, you have to make sure first that he/she is no longer exposed to the pesticide.

Removal of the pesticide

You have to soak the individual with water if the pesticide is present on the skin. Remove any clothing that has been contaminated. Make sure that the skin and hair is thoroughly cleaned with soap or detergent if available. Dry the individual and wrap him/her with a towel or blanket.

Fresh air

If the individual inhaled pesticides, you have to transfer the individual to a space that has fresh air. You can also open the windows and doors. Try to loosen up the clothes of the individual and make sure that he/she is calm.

Induce vomiting

In case the individual has swallowed the pesticide, you have to induce vomiting. Nevertheless, you should not induce vomiting if he/she has swallowed a corrosive chemical or products that contain petroleum. Both of these chemicals can cause severe burns once vomited. You have to dilute the poison by providing the individual with water or milk to drink. If the individual is unconscious, do not induce vomiting.

Rinsing the eyes

You have to wash out the eyes using water if pesticides where accidentally sprayed on them. Make sure to wash for at least 15 minutes or until the medical team arrives and then cover with a clean towel or cloth.

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