Healing a broken blood vessel

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A broken blood vessel can occur due to various reasons. In most cases, the skin has sustained damage in which the blood vessel under the surface has ruptured. Oftentimes, the broken blood vessel can be caused by accidents or falls that can lead to bruising.

In some cases, the blood vessel can also break due to genetics or the aging process. Even though broken blood vessels are capable of healing on their own, there are certain measures that you can do to promote the healing process.

Applying a cold compress

As a first aid measure, you have to apply an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area. You can utilize an ice pack or simply soak a washcloth in ice water. Apply on the area for about five minutes and then remove for 5 minutes and then reapply again. The cold temperature helps minimize the redness and swelling. Additionally, this will also help soothe the skin and reduce the pain.

Allow time to take its course

Broken blood vessel
You have to apply an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area. You can utilize an ice pack or simply soak a washcloth in ice water. Apply on the area for about five minutes and then remove for 5 minutes and then reapply again.

Always remember that time can help heal the broken blood vessels since they can heal on their own but it will take some time. In most cases, the broken blood vessel can heal within 2-3 weeks. It cannot cause any lasting damage, thus the skin can return to its normal condition.

Consult a dermatologist

If the broken blood vessel that does not go away, it must be checked by a dermatologist. Sclerotherapy might be performed which involves the injection of medication in the affected blood vessel so that it will shrink. After the procedure, you will notice rapid improvement in the appearance of the broken blood vessel.

Undergo laser therapy

Always bear in mind that laser therapy are often utilized in order to treat a broken blood vessel. The laser light basically targets the darker pigmentation of the affected blood vessel, breaking it up and reabsorbing it back into the body. In some cases, several laser treatment sessions are required in order to effectively heal the broken blood vessel.

Topical treatments

If topical treatments are used, they usually contain vitamin K. This will keep the blood vessels pliable and healthy. As a result, it is commonly used to help heal the broken blood vessels. A variety of creams, lotions and serums contain vitamin K are available as over-the-counter options in order to treat the broken blood vessels. You have to apply the treatments on a daily basis to achieve the best results.

The individual can also consult the doctor so that other treatment options can be prescribed to help heal the broken blood vessels.

Important considerations to bear in mind

It is vital to wear sunscreen on the affected area every time the individual goes out. Constant exposure to the rays of the sun can cause further damage to the skin, thus delaying the healing process.

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