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Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of a vein due to a blood clot, usually in the legs. Generally, a blood clot is a solid formation of blood cells that cluster together. A clot can disrupt with the normal flow of blood throughout the body and considered dangerous.

Furthermore, the condition typically forms in the legs, but it is possible to form in other body parts.

What are the causes?

A blood clot is responsible for thrombophlebitis. Being inactive such as bedridden after surgery or trauma is the main cause of blood clots.

A clot might also form if sitting for long periods such as during a plane or car ride. Periodically standing and moving the feet during long flights or road trips can lower the risk for clots.

A blood clot is responsible for thrombophlebitis. Being inactive such as bedridden after surgery or trauma is the main cause of blood clots.

If there is damage to the blood vessels, blood clots might form. Any form of trauma to the limb can damage the vein. In some cases, the blood vessel might be injured by intravenous needles or catheters during a medical procedure.

What are the indications?

Generally, the signs of thrombophlebitis are based on the type present. Some of the usual symptoms that might arise near the affected area include:

  • Warmth
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Redness

Management of thrombophlebitis

The doctor might suggest caring for the condition at home if diagnosed with the superficial form. The recommended measures include:

In addition, the doctor might suggest the removal of the vein if superficial thrombophlebitis becomes permanently painful or unappealing.

Those who are diagnosed with the superficial form are not generally given blood thinners. Nevertheless, if the clot is close to the junction of one of the deep veins, blood thinners are given to lower the risk for the superficial clot to turn into DVT.


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