Lactose Intolerance

Stomach ulcers: Are vitamins potential triggers?

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Throughout the years, it is believed that lifestyle factors such as stress or consumption of spicy foods can lead to stomach ulcers. At the present, a bacterial infection due to H. pylori is responsible for causing most cases of stomach ulcers.

Even though vitamins are not the cause, using vitamin supplements can instigate the symptoms. On the other hand, this can be avoided by making simple changes.

Connection between vitamins and stomach ulcer symptoms

It is important to note that vitamin supplements can trigger digestive distress even among those who do not have stomach ulcers as a common side effect. This is due to the fact that vitamins especially the tablets contain preservatives, coating and other additives that might be difficult for the stomach.

Always bear in mind that vitamins also stimulate an increase in the production of stomach acid that can trigger the symptoms of stomach ulcer in excess amounts. The ulcers are characterized as open sores that develop on the stomach lining. A simple way to manage this is to take vitamins with a meal and avoid using them on an empty stomach.

What are the specific vitamins?

Stomach ulcer
There are certain vitamins and minerals that can instigate digestive issues that can lead to the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

There are certain vitamins and minerals that can instigate digestive issues that can lead to the symptoms of stomach ulcers. The iron supplements are known to trigger digestive disturbance. Since food reduces absorption, iron is often taken on an empty stomach but the elemental iron that comes in contact with the stomach can trigger stomach pain.

If the individual is using a vitamin or multivitamin that contains iron that must be taken on an empty stomach, it is best to try a whole-food supplement since it is easier on the stomach. When it comes to iron, there are certain forms that cause minimal irritation to the stomach that are often labelled as “gentle” iron.

Can vitamin C cause stomach ulcers?

Vitamin C is one of the main antioxidants in the diet. Even though research is required, it was discovered that vitamin C might be beneficial for those who have stomach ulcers. Due to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C can protect the stomach lining. In addition, it also reduces the gastric bleeding as well as increasing the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy to eliminate the infection.

Diet modifications to control the symptoms

It is vital to pinpoint the cause of the stomach ulcer. In case H. pylori are the main culprit, antibiotic treatment is readily available to eliminate the infection. Changes in the diet can also help minimize the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

Foods that are acidic or stimulate the production of acid such as tomato, citrus fruits, tea, whole milk and coffee can trigger issues. Additionally, spicy foods can also worsen the symptoms. With this in mind, it is vital to avoid highly seasoned foods, black pepper, chili powder, red pepper, garlic powder and other spices.

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