Shoulder tendonitis

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Shoulder tendonitis is a degenerative condition involving any of the tendons that surround the shoulder joint. It usually affects the rotator cuff tendons, but can also affect the biceps and triceps tendons.

The condition is an overuse injury that is typically brought about by poor posture and muscular disparities around the shoulder that places increased pressure on one muscle or tendon. The injury is also common among those who utilize the shoulder joint extensively such as throwers or manual workers such as electrician and carpenters with arms overhead.

Shoulder tendonitis
The condition is an overuse injury that is typically brought about by poor posture and muscular disparities around the shoulder that places increased pressure on one muscle or tendon.

What are the indications of shoulder tendonitis?

The indications of shoulder tendonitis include the following:

  • Shoulder pain during movement
  • Pain typically occurs gradually and the type of movement that triggers pain indicates which tendon is inflamed.
  • Pain or discomfort is aggravated after a period of rest that later settles with activity as it becomes warmed up.

A sports injury professional will try to resist various shoulder movements to determine the injury. Remember that attempting to move the shoulder against resistance increases the pain. If pressing in or palpating the sore tendon, it seems thickened than the other side and there is also a creaking sensation called crepitus as the tendon moves.


The individual should rest from any aggravating activities and movements. Apply an ice pack at 15 minutes every 3-4 hours to reduce the pain and swelling.

When a sports injury professional is consulted, the condition of the individual is assessed to confirm a diagnosis. Further tests such as ultrasound or MRI might be required.

In some cases, electrotherapy measures such as laser or ultrasound might be started. Sports massage techniques can also help relax the affected muscles. A rehabilitation program is also started to improve the position of the shoulder as well as the power of the affected muscles.

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