Postnasal drip complications

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Mucus is produced by the nose to help clean and warm up the air inhaled. Take note that this fluid is swallowed in order to cleanse and moisten the back of the throat. In case there is excessive production of mucus or it became thicker than usual, the symptoms of postnasal drip can manifest. In some individuals, this condition is mild while others end up with complications from postnasal drip that requires treatment.

Difficulty swallowing

Once the mucus stars to accumulate in the throat, it can cause blockage of the voice box or larynx, trachea and/or bronchi in the lungs. It is important to note that this can affect the voice and even make it difficult to swallow.

Excessive production of mucus can cause the vocal cords to close instead of opening up when attempting to breathe. Take note that this can trigger symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, choking, sensation that there is something stuck in the throat and tightness in the throat and chest

Difficulty swallowing is often worse among the elderly since their swallowing muscles are no longer strong especially at night time when the swallowing muscles are not as active and during periods of stress when the throat muscles spasms. In case the throat is swollen or there are unusual growths in the throat, the symptoms of postnasal drip can worsen.

Difficulty breathing

Severe cases of postnasal drip can lead to issues with the vocal cords. Excessive production of mucus can cause the vocal cords to close instead of opening up when attempting to breathe. Take note that this can trigger symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, choking, sensation that there is something stuck in the throat and tightness in the throat and chest. The doctor might run tests to determine if postnasal drip is the exact cause.

Chronic cough

If excess mucus accumulates in the throat, the person might have the urge to expel it out. If not properly managed, postnasal drip can cause the cough to become chronic. The coughing can become severe up to a point that sleep is disrupted as well as affecting the capability to work and can also cause chest pain and eating difficulty.

Postnasal drip that is complemented by a sinus infection or allergy can lead to the production of mucus that is yellow or green in color. This indicates an infection that requires medical care. Treatment of the underlying problem often helps alleviate the symptoms of postnasal drip.

Ear and sinus infections

In most cases, postnasal drip will not cause serious complications. On the other hand, it can clog up the Eustachian tube. The Eustachian tube travels from the ears to the nose and helps maintain equal air pressure inside the ears.

In case this tube becomes clogged, it can result to chronic ear infections. Accumulation of excess mucus can also block the sinus passageways and trigger a sinus infection. It is recommended to consult a doctor for the following:

  • Older children and adults with symptoms that last longer than 3 weeks
  • Children three years old and younger with symptoms longer than 10 days
  • Fever or mucus that is colored or foul smelling

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